List of the Newest R packages

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100 newest R packages

as of Tuesday, February 18
All CRAN published R packages by year:

Rank Name Title Release version Maintainer
1 jobqueue Run Interruptible Code Asynchronously 1.3.1 Daniel P. Smith
2 compdb Generate Compilation Database for Use with 'Clang' Tools 0.0.1 Felix Held
3 connectcreds Manage 'OAuth' Credentials from 'Posit Connect' 0.1.0 Aaron Jacobs
4 DDPstar Density Regression via Dirichlet Process Mixtures of Normal Structured Additive Regression Models 1.0-1 Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez
5 fkbma Free Knot-Bayesian Model Averaging 0.1.0 Lara Maleyeff
6 forgts Convert Formatted Spreadsheets to Presentation-Ready Display Tables 0.0.1 Luis D. Verde Arregoitia
7 ggsurveillance Tools for Outbreak Investigation/Infectious Disease Surveillance 0.1.2 Alexander Bartel
8 MRMCbinary Multi-Reader Multi-Case Analysis of Binary Diagnostic Tests 1.0.4 Seungjae Lee
9 mtrank Ranking using Probabilistic Models and Treatment Choice Criteria 0.1-0 Theodoros Evrenoglou
10 MultiGrey Fitting and Forecasting of Grey Model for Multivariate Time Series Data 0.1.0 Pradip Basak
11 networksem Network Structural Equation Modeling 0.2 Zhiyong Zhang
12 rmonocypher Easy Encryption of R Objects using Strong Modern Cryptography 0.1.8 Mike Cheng
13 shortr Optimal Subset Identification in Undirected Weighted Network Models 1.0.0 Loïs Fournier
14 SurvImpute Multiple Imputation for Missing Covariates in Time-to-Event Data 0.1.0 Qinghua Lian
15 survNMA Network Meta-Analysis Combining Survival and Count Outcomes 1.1-1 Hisashi Noma
16 xmap Transforming Data Between Statistical Classifications 0.1.0 Cynthia A. Huang
17 YEAB Analyze Data from Analysis of Behavior Experiments 1.0.6 Emmanuel Alcala
18 zigg Lightweight Interfaces to the 'Ziggurat' Pseudo Random Number Generator 0.0.2 Dirk Eddelbuettel
19 adplots Ad-Plot and Ud-Plot for Visualizing Distributional Properties and Normality 0.1.0 Uditha Amarananda Wijesuriya
20 BKT Bayesian Knowledge Tracing Model 0.1.0 Yuhao Yuan
21 distanceHD Distance Metrics for High-Dimensional Clustering 1.2 Jung Ae Lee
22 ggfootball Plotting Expected Goals (xG) Stats with 'Understat' Data 0.2.0 Aymen Nasri
23 hrf Hemodynamic Response Function 0.1.3 Amanda Mejia
24 javateak Javanese Teak Above Ground Biomass Estimation 1.0 Yudistira Adyatama
25 massProps Calculate Mass Properties and Uncertainties of Tree Structures 0.2.0 James Steven Jenkins
26 shrinkGPR Scalable Gaussian Process Regression with Hierarchical Shrinkage Priors 1.0.0 Peter Knaus
27 BayesCPclust A Bayesian Approach for Clustering Constant-Wise Change-Point Data 0.1.0 Ana Carolina da Cruz
28 bosfr Computes Exact Bounds of Spearman's Footrule with Missing Data 0.1.0 Yijin Zeng
29 deprivateR Calculating and Analyzing Measures of Deprivation in the United States 0.1.0 Christopher Prener
30 lifepack Insurance Reserve Calculations 0.0.8 Oskar Allerslev
31 MEGB Gradient Boosting for Longitudinal Data 0.1 Oyebayo Ridwan Olaniran
32 ordinalsimr Compare Ordinal Endpoints Using Simulations 0.1.3 Pat Callahan
33 PopulateR Create Data Frames for the Micro-Simulation of Human Populations 1.13 Michelle Gosse
34 rdlearn Safe Policy Learning under Regression Discontinuity Design with Multiple Cutoffs 0.1.1 Kentaro Kawato
35 reproducibleRchunks Automated Reproducibility Checks for R Markdown Documents 1.0.2 Andreas M. Brandmaier
36 shinyCLT Central Limit Theorem 'shiny' Application 0.9.3 Dominique-Laurent Couturier
37 smarter A Collection of Modified R Functions to Make Basic Coding More Convenient 1.0.0 Paul Little
38 SparseICA Sparse Independent Component Analysis 0.1.4 Zihang Wang
39 textanalyzer 'textanalyzer', an R Package to Analyze Text 0.2.0 Pushker Ravindra
40 Certara.Xpose.NLME Enhances 'xpose' Diagnostics for Pharmacometric Models from 'Certara.RsNLME' and Phoenix NLME 2.0.2 James Craig
41 EcoMetrics Econometrics Model Building 0.1.1 Mutua Kilai
42 generalRSS Statistical Tools for Balanced and Unbalanced Ranked Set Sampling 0.1.3 Soohyun Ahn
43 RulesTools Preparing, Analyzing, and Visualizing Association Rules 0.1.1 Nikolett Toth
44 localsp Local Indicator of Stratified Power 0.1.0 Wenbo Lv
45 oncmap Analyze Data from Electronic Adherence Monitoring Devices 0.1.5 Michal Kouril
46 PIE A Partially Interpretable Model with Black-Box Refinement 1.0.0 Jingyi Yang
47 Reacnorm Perform a Partition of Variance of Reaction Norms 0.2.1 Pierre de Villemereuil
48 rplec Placental Epigenetic Clock to Estimate Aging by DNA Methylation 0.1.3 Herdiantri Sufriyana
49 superspreading Understand Individual-Level Variation in Infectious Disease Transmission 0.3.0 Joshua W. Lambert
50 ubair Effects of External Conditions on Air Quality 1.1.0 Imke Voss
51 hdftsa High-Dimensional Functional Time Series Analysis 1.0 Han Lin Shang
52 oldr An Implementation of Rapid Assessment Method for Older People 0.2.3 Ernest Guevarra
53 phylospatial Spatial Phylogenetic Analysis 1.0.0 Matthew Kling
54 SurrogateSeq Group Sequential Testing of a Treatment Effect Using a Surrogate Marker 1.0 Layla Parast
55 transltr Support Many Languages in R 0.1.0 Jean-Mathieu Potvin
56 AntibodyForests Delineating Inter- And Intra-Antibody Repertoire Evolution 1.0.0 Daphne van Ginneken
57 ncaavolleyballr Extract Data from NCAA Women's and Men's Volleyball Website 0.4.1 Jeffrey R. Stevens
58 pattern.checks Identifies Patterned Responses in Scales 0.1.0 JASEEL C K
59 SlideCNA Calls Copy Number Alterations from Slide-Seq Data 0.1.0 Diane Zhang
60 somhca Self-Organising Maps Coupled with Hierarchical Cluster Analysis 0.2.0 Gianluca Pastorelli
61 undidR Difference-in-Differences with Unpoolable Data 1.0.0 Eric Jamieson
62 bootStateSpace Bootstrap for State Space Models 1.0.2 Ivan Jacob Agaloos Pesigan
63 finna Access the 'Finna' API 0.1.1 Akewak Jeba
64 Data Only Package to 'heiscore' 0.0.1 Vijetha Ramdas
65 presmoothedTP Presmoothed Landmark Aalen-Johansen Estimator of Transition Probabilities for Complex Multi-State Models 0.1.0 Gustavo Soutinho
66 pxmake Make PX-Files in R 0.14.2 Johan Ejstrud
67 retimer Retime and Analyse Speech Signals 0.1.3 Alistair Beith
68 bdsm Bayesian Dynamic Systems Modeling 0.1.0 Marcin Dubel
69 dMrs Competing Risk in Dependent Net Survival Analysis 1.0.0 Paul Little
70 metabodecon Deconvolution and Alignment of 1d NMR Spectra 1.2.6 Tobias Schmidt
71 MiscMath Miscellaneous Mathematical Tools 1.0 W.J. Braun
72 readapra Download and Tidy Data from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority 0.2.0 Jarrod van der Wal
73 setariaviridis Field-Collected Data of Green Foxtail 0.1.0 Keisuke Ando
74 FactorHet Estimate Heterogeneous Effects in Factorial Experiments Using Grouping and Sparsity 1.0.0 Max Goplerud
75 FLASHMM Fast and Scalable Single Cell Differential Expression Analysis using Mixed-Effects Models 1.0.0 Changjiang Xu
76 NPBBBDAefficiency A-Efficiency for Nested Partially Balanced Bipartite Block (NPBBB) Designs 0.1.0 Vinayaka
77 OpenRange Code to Access Open Access Species Range Maps 0.0.1 Brian Maitner
78 PLStests Model Checking for High-Dimensional GLMs via Random Projections 0.1.0 Wen Chen
79 ProActive Detect Elevations and Gaps in Mapped Sequencing Read Coverage 0.1.0 Jessie Maier
80 ProtE Processing Proteomics Data, Statistical Analysis and Visualization 1.0.1 Theodoros Margelos
81 PSpower Sample Size Calculation for Propensity Score Analysis 0.1.0 Bo Liu
82 RCTRecruit Non-Parametric Recruitment Prediction for Randomized Clinical Trials 0.1.24 Ioannis Malagaris
83 SampleSizeSingleArmSurvival Calculate Sample Size for Single-Arm Survival Studies 0.1.0 Mohamed Kamal
84 SeedMaker Generate a Collection of Seeds from a Single Seed 1.0.0 Hollins Showalter
85 SiFINeT Single Cell Feature Identification with Network Topology 1.13 Qi Gao
86 zephyr Structured Messages and Options 0.1.1 Aksel Thomsen
87 admiralmetabolic Metabolism Extension Package for ADaM in 'R' Asset Library 0.1.0 Anders Askeland
88 AMISforInfectiousDiseases Implement the AMIS Algorithm for Infectious Disease Models 0.1.0 Simon Spencer
89 CoDaLoMic Compositional Models to Longitudinal Microbiome Data 0.1.0 Irene Creus Martí
90 ComBatFamQC Comprehensive Batch Effect Diagnostics and Harmonization 1.0.4 Zheng Ren
91 EHRmuse Multi-Cohort Selection Bias Correction using IPW and AIPW Methods Michael Kleinsasser
92 flexFitR Flexible Non-Linear Least Square Model Fitting 1.0.0 Johan Aparicio
93 gomp The gamma-OMP Feature Selection Algorithm 1.0 Michail Tsagris
94 micer Map Image Classification Efficacy 0.2.0 Aaron Maxwell
95 rollupTree Perform Recursive Computations 0.2.0 James Steven Jenkins
96 SLOS ICU Length of Stay Prediction and Efficiency Evaluation 1.0.1 Joana da Matta
97 sysAgNPs Systematic Quantification of AgNPs to Unleash their Potential for Applicability 1.0.0 Xiting Wang
98 chartreview Adaptive Multi-Wave Sampling for Efficient Chart Validation 1.0 Georg Hahn
99 duet Analysing Non-Verbal Communication in Dyadic Interactions from Video Data 0.1.1 Themis Efthimiou
100 MonotonicityTest Nonparametric Bootstrap Test for Regression Monotonicity 1.0 Dylan Huynh


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