A platform that allows you to search through 23,394 R packages, compare across various packages based on name or keywords in their descriptions.
Rank | Name | Title | Release version | Maintainer |
1 | spphpr | Spring Phenological Prediction | 0.1.4 | Peijian Shi |
2 | WARDEN | Workflows for Health Technology Assessments in R using Discrete EveNts | 0.99.1 | Javier Sanchez Alvarez |
3 | bridgr | Bridging Data Frequencies for Timely Economic Forecasts | 0.1.1 | Marc Burri |
4 | cercospoRa | Process Based Epidemiological Model for Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sugar Beet | 0.0.1 | Paul Melloy |
5 | datastat | Dataset for Statistical Analysis | 0.1.0 | Atchanut Rattanalertnusorn |
6 | DBCVindex | Calculates the Density-Based Clustering Validation Index (DBCV) Index | 1.1 | Davide Chicco |
7 | dscoreMSM | Survival Proximity Score Matching in Multi-State Survival Model | 0.1.0 | Atanu Bhattacharjee |
8 | GHCNr | Download Weather Station Data from GHCN | 0.8.0 | Emilio Berti |
9 | ideanet | Integrating Data Exchange and Analysis for Networks ('ideanet') | 1.0.0 | Tom Wolff |
10 | mintyr | Streamlined Data Processing Tools for Genomic Selection | 0.1.0 | Guo Meng |
11 | moRphomenses | Geometric Morphometric Tools to Align, Scale, and Compare "Shape" of Menstrual Cycle Hormones | 1.0.2 | Daniel Ehrlich |
12 | orderanalyzer | Extracting Order Position Tables from PDF-Based Order Documents | 1.0.0 | Michael Scholz |
13 | pprof | Modeling, Standardization and Testing for Provider Profiling | 1.0.1 | Xiaohan Liu |
14 | SunCalcMeeus | Sun Position and Daylight Calculations | 0.1.1 | Pedro J. Aphalo |
15 | tna | Transition Network Analysis (TNA) | 0.3.0 | Sonsoles López-Pernas |
16 | TREDesigns | Ternary Residual Effect Designs | 1.0.0 | Ashutosh Dalal |
17 | wordvector | Word and Document Vector Models | 0.1.0 | Kohei Watanabe |
18 | ADSIHT | Adaptive Double Sparse Iterative Hard Thresholding | 0.1.0 | Yanhang Zhang |
19 | condathis | Run Any CLI Tool on a 'Conda' Environment | 0.1.0 | Lucio Queiroz |
20 | CropBreeding | Stability Analysis in Crop Breeding | 0.1.0 | Prity Kumari |
21 | fastPLS | A Fast Implementation of Partial Least Square | 0.2 | Stefano Cacciatore |
22 | MAICtools | Performing Matched-Adjusted Indirect Comparisons (MAIC) | 0.1.1 | Xiao Qi |
23 | SaturnCoefficient | Statistical Evaluation of UMAP Dimensionality Reductions | 1.2 | Davide Chicco |
24 | TransProR | Analysis and Visualization of Multi-Omics Data | 0.0.6 | Dongyue Yu |
25 | clc | CORINE Land Cover Data and Styles | 1.0.0 | Jose Samos |
26 | dbi.table | Database Queries Using 'data.table' Syntax | 1.0.1 | Kjell P. Konis |
27 | FAVA | Quantify Compositional Variability Across Relative Abundance Vectors | 1.0.7 | Maike Morrison |
28 | htsDegenerateR | Degenerate Hierarchical Time Series Reconciliation | 0.1.0 | Louis Steinmeister |
29 | moonboot | m-Out-of-n Bootstrap Functions | 0.9.1 | Christoph Dalitz |
30 | OhdsiShinyAppBuilder | Viewing Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics Results via 'shiny' Modules | 1.0.0 | Jenna Reps |
31 | OncoDataSets | A Comprehensive Collection of Cancer Types and Cancer-Related Datasets | 0.1.0 | Renzo Caceres Rossi |
32 | opengraph | Process Metadata from the Open Graph Protocol | 0.0.2 | Christopher T. Kenny |
33 | SBMTrees | Sequential Imputation with Bayesian Trees Mixed-Effects Models for Longitudinal Data | 1.2 | Jungang Zou |
34 | surveynnet | Neural Network for Complex Survey Data | 1.0.0 | Aaron Cohen |
35 | tinylens | Minimal Implementation of Functional Lenses | 0.1.0 | Albert Wang |
36 | tugboat | Build a Docker Image from a Directory or Project | 0.1.0 | Daniel Molitor |
37 | warehouseTools | Heuristics for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem in Warehouse Layouts | 0.1.2 | Andrzej Dudek |
38 | AuxSurvey | Survey Analysis with Auxiliary Discretized Variables | 0.9 | Jungang Zou |
39 | FlexRL | A Flexible Model for Record Linkage | 0.1.0 | Kayané ROBACH |
40 | gg1d | Exploratory Data Analysis using Tiled One-Dimensional Graphics | 0.1.0 | Sam El-Kamand |
41 | multimolang | 'multimolang': Multimodal Language Analysis | 0.1.1 | Brian Herreño Jiménez |
42 | paramix | Aggregate and Disaggregate Continuous Parameters for Compartmental Models | 0.0.1 | Carl Pearson |
43 | SurrogateParadoxTest | Empirical Testing of Surrogate Paradox Assumptions | 1.0 | Emily Hsiao |
44 | depower | Power Analysis for Differential Expression Studies | 2024.12.4 | Brett Klamer |
45 | PhenotypeR | Assess Study Cohorts Using a Common Data Model | 0.1.0 | Edward Burn |
46 | qcluster | Clustering via Quadratic Scoring | 1.2 | Luca Coraggio |
47 | sooty | Data Source Catalogues Online for Southern Ocean Ecosystem Research | 0.1.0 | Michael D. Sumner |
48 | tablespan | Create Satisficing 'Excel', 'HTML', 'LaTeX', and 'RTF' Tables using a Simple Formula | 0.1.7 | Jannik H. Orzek |
49 | airship | Visualization of Simulated Datasets with Multiple Simulation Input Dimensions | 1.4.3 | Elias Laurin Meyer |
50 | BayesianFitForecast | Bayesian Parameter Estimation and Forecasting for Epidemiological Models | 1.0.0 | Gerardo Chowell |
51 | drhutools | Political Science Academic Research Gears | 1.0.0 | Yue Hu |
52 | educationR | A Comprehensive Collection of Educational Datasets | 0.1.0 | Renzo Caceres Rossi |
53 | ErlangC | Solve Erlang-C Model | 0.1.0 | Damonsoul |
54 | GDILM.SEIRS | Spatial Modeling of Infectious Disease with Reinfection | 0.0.2 | Amin Abed |
55 | GOLDprice | Gold Price Data | 0.1.0 | Fadhlul Mubarak |
56 | GVS | 'Geocoordinate Validation Service' | 0.0.1 | Brian Maitner |
57 | iclogcondist | Log-Concave Distribution Estimation with Interval-Censored Data | 1.0.1 | Chaoyu Yuan |
58 | MIGEE | Impute Missing Values and Fitting Linear Mixed Effect Model | 0.1.0 | Atanu Bhattacharjee |
59 | mixedbiastest | Bias Diagnostic for Linear Mixed Models | 0.3.0 | Andrew T. Karl |
60 | RapidFuzz | String Similarity Computation Using 'RapidFuzz' | 1.0 | Andre Leite |
61 | recforest | Random Survival Forest for Recurrent Events | 1.0.0 | Juliette Murris |
62 | rectpacker | Rectangle Packing | 1.0.0 | Mike Cheng |
63 | RegDDM | Generalized Linear Regression with DDM | 1.0 | Zekai Jin |
64 | robqda | Robust Quadratic Discriminant Analysis | 1.0 | Michail Tsagris |
65 | multiDoE | Multi-Criteria Design of Experiments for Optimal Design | 0.9.2 | Andrea Melloncelli |
66 | csmGmm | Conditionally Symmetric Multidimensional Gaussian Mixture Model | 0.3.0 | Ryan Sun |
67 | extractox | Extract Tox Info from Various Databases | 0.1.0 | Claudio Zanettini |
68 | messy | Create Messy Data from Clean Data Frames | 0.1.0 | Nicola Rennie |
69 | RCNA | Robust Copy Number Alteration Detection (RCNA) | 1.0 | Matt Bradley |
70 | resourcecode | Access to the 'RESOURCECODE' Hindcast Database | 0.2.1 | Nicolas Raillard |
71 | sshicm | Information Consistency-Based Measures for Spatial Stratified Heterogeneity | 0.1.0 | Wenbo Lv |
72 | crimedatasets | A Comprehensive Collection of Crime-Related Datasets | 0.1.0 | Renzo Caceres Rossi |
73 | gfoRmulaICE | Parametric Iterative Conditional Expectation G-Formula | 0.1.0 | Zhaoxi Cheng |
74 | IDLFM | Individual Dynamic Latent Factor Model | 0.0.2 | Siyang Liu |
75 | ILRCM | Convert Irregular Longitudinal Data to Regular Intervals and Perform Clustering | 0.1.0 | Atanu Bhattacharjee |
76 | ldmppr | Estimate and Simulate from Location Dependent Marked Point Processes | 1.0.3 | Lane Drew |
77 | MEDesigns | Mating Environmental Designs | 1.0.0 | Ashutosh Dalal |
78 | pipeflow | Lightweight, General-Purpose Data Analysis Pipelines | 0.2.1 | Roman Pahl |
79 | RCMsize | Sample Size Calculation in Reversible Catalytic Models | 1.0.0 | Márcia Graça |
80 | SAKERNAS | A National Labor Force Survey of Indonesia | 0.1.0 | Fadhlul Mubarak |
81 | scR | Estimate Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension and Sample Complexity | 0.1.0 | Perry Carter |
82 | sffdr | Surrogate Functional False Discovery Rates for Genome-Wide Association Studies | 1.0.0 | Andrew Bass |
83 | twc | Terrestrial Water Cycle | 0.0.1 | Mijael Rodrigo Vargas Godoy |
84 | wdiEF | Calculation of the Water Deficit Index (WDI) and the Evaporative Fraction (EF) on Rasters | 1.0.2 | Gaelle Hamelin |
85 | banditsCI | Bandit-Based Experiments and Policy Evaluation | 1.0.0 | Molly Offer-Westort |
86 | greta.censored | Censored Distributions for 'greta' | 0.1.0 | Mlen-Too Wesley |
87 | nzilbb.vowels | Vowel Covariation Tools | 0.3.1 | Joshua Wilson Black |
88 | PivotalP | Prediction for Future Data from Mixture Distributions Gamma, Beta, Weibull and Normal | 0.1.2 | K. S. Khalil |
89 | PolisheR | Interfacing 'NaileR' with 'Shiny' | 1.0.0 | Sébastien Lê |
90 | STATcubeR | R Interface for the 'STATcube' REST API and Open Government Data | 1.0.0 | Bernhard Meindl |
91 | vaccineff | Estimate Vaccine Effectiveness Based on Different Study Designs | 1.0.0 | Zulma M. Cucunubá |
92 | powertools | Power and Sample Size Tools | 0.1.2 | Catherine M. Crespi |
93 | RegrCoeffsExplorer | Efficient Visualization of Regression Coefficients for lm(), glm(), and glmnet() Objects | 1.1.0 | Vadim Tyuryaev |
94 | bayeslist | Bayesian Analysis of List Experiments with Prior Information | | Xiao Lu |
95 | epiparameterDB | Database of Epidemiological Parameters | 0.1.0 | Joshua W. Lambert |
96 | HTSeedGLM | Hydro Thermal Time Analysis of Seed Germination Using Generalised Linear Model | 0.1.0 | Dr. Himadri Ghosh |
97 | LLIC | Likelihood Criterion (LIC) Analysis for Laplace Regression Model | 3.0.0 | Guangbao Guo |
98 | samplezoo | Generate Samples with a Variety of Probability Distributions | 1.1.1 | Nicholas Vietto |
99 | TAD | Realize the Trait Abundance Distribution | 1.0.0 | Lain Pavot |
100 | autoslider.core | Slide Automation for Tables, Listings and Figures | 0.1.0 | Joe Zhu |
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