A platform that allows you to search through 23,394 R packages, compare across various packages based on name or keywords in their descriptions.
Rank | Package Name | Title | Download count | Current version |
1 | dplyr | A Grammar of Data Manipulation | 341,455 | 1.1.4 |
2 | rlang | Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features | 335,617 | 1.1.4 |
3 | ggplot2 | Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics | 326,909 | 3.5.1 |
4 | lifecycle | Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions | 320,698 | 1.0.4 |
5 | cli | Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces | 312,037 | 3.6.3 |
6 | glue | Interpreted String Literals | 288,800 | 1.8.0 |
7 | vctrs | Vector Helpers | 283,035 | 0.6.5 |
8 | pillar | Coloured Formatting for Columns | 263,882 | 1.9.0 |
9 | withr | Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State | 263,479 | 3.0.2 |
10 | tidyverse | Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse' | 260,165 | 2.0.0 |
11 | jsonlite | A Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R | 258,046 | 1.8.9 |
12 | Rcpp | Seamless R and C++ Integration | 249,848 | 1.0.13-1 |
13 | tibble | Simple Data Frames | 246,881 | 3.2.1 |
14 | magrittr | A Forward-Pipe Operator for R | 243,051 | 2.0.3 |
15 | ragg | Graphic Devices Based on AGG | 229,454 | 1.3.3 |
16 | curl | A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R | 227,133 | 6.0.1 |
17 | R6 | Encapsulated Classes with Reference Semantics | 226,057 | 2.5.1 |
18 | xfun | Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie' | 225,796 | 0.49 |
19 | stringr | Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations | 223,968 | 1.5.1 |
20 | tidyr | Tidy Messy Data | 218,659 | 1.3.1 |
21 | tidyselect | Select from a Set of Strings | 218,326 | 1.2.1 |
22 | digest | Create Compact Hash Digests of R Objects | 217,951 | 0.6.37 |
23 | fansi | ANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions | 217,576 | 1.0.6 |
24 | knitr | A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R | 216,963 | 1.49 |
25 | scales | Scale Functions for Visualization | 216,069 | 1.3.0 |
26 | utf8 | Unicode Text Processing | 214,810 | 1.2.4 |
27 | openssl | Toolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on OpenSSL | 214,577 | 2.2.2 |
28 | purrr | Functional Programming Tools | 211,678 | 1.0.2 |
29 | cpp11 | A C++11 Interface for R's C Interface | 207,072 | 0.5.1 |
30 | fs | Cross-Platform File System Operations Based on 'libuv' | 203,081 | 1.6.5 |
31 | pkgconfig | Private Configuration for 'R' Packages | 202,610 | 2.0.3 |
32 | rmarkdown | Dynamic Documents for R | 202,114 | 2.29 |
33 | readxl | Read Excel Files | 200,034 | 1.4.3 |
34 | htmltools | Tools for HTML | 199,394 | |
35 | colorspace | A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes | 198,714 | 2.1-1 |
36 | gtable | Arrange 'Grobs' in Tables | 197,681 | 0.3.6 |
37 | fastmap | Fast Data Structures | 195,733 | 1.2.0 |
38 | crayon | Colored Terminal Output | 195,273 | 1.5.3 |
39 | tinytex | Helper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents | 193,502 | 0.54 |
40 | bslib | Custom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown' | 191,518 | 0.8.0 |
41 | generics | Common S3 Generics not Provided by Base R Methods Related to Model Fitting | 191,472 | 0.1.3 |
42 | evaluate | Parsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the Default | 191,435 | 1.0.1 |
43 | farver | High Performance Colour Space Manipulation | 190,753 | 2.1.2 |
44 | cachem | Cache R Objects with Automatic Pruning | 190,260 | 1.1.0 |
45 | fontawesome | Easily Work with 'Font Awesome' Icons | 187,403 | 0.5.3 |
46 | munsell | Utilities for Using Munsell Colours | 186,854 | 0.5.1 |
47 | yaml | Methods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back | 186,547 | 2.3.10 |
48 | RColorBrewer | ColorBrewer Palettes | 186,322 | 1.1-3 |
49 | sass | Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass') | 186,233 | 0.4.9 |
50 | viridisLite | Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps (Lite Version) | 182,126 | 0.4.2 |
51 | labeling | Axis Labeling | 180,502 | 0.4.3 |
52 | jquerylib | Obtain 'jQuery' as an HTML Dependency Object | 178,388 | 0.1.4 |
53 | highr | Syntax Highlighting for R Source Code | 177,128 | 0.11 |
54 | isoband | Generate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation Grids | 177,022 | 0.2.7 |
55 | mime | Map Filenames to MIME Types | 176,616 | 0.12 |
56 | httr | Tools for Working with URLs and HTTP | 174,746 | 1.4.7 |
57 | data.table | Extension of 'data.frame' | 174,257 | 1.16.4 |
58 | stringi | Fast and Portable Character String Processing Facilities | 172,467 | 1.8.4 |
59 | memoise | 'Memoisation' of Functions | 171,534 | 2.0.1 |
60 | sys | Powerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in R | 169,378 | 3.4.3 |
61 | readr | Read Rectangular Text Data | 169,279 | 2.1.5 |
62 | askpass | Password Entry Utilities for R, Git, and SSH | 169,181 | 1.2.1 |
63 | rappdirs | Application Directories: Determine Where to Save Data, Caches, and Logs | 167,973 | 0.3.3 |
64 | base64enc | Tools for base64 encoding | 167,485 | 0.1-3 |
65 | textshaping | Bindings to the 'HarfBuzz' and 'Fribidi' Libraries for Text Shaping | 163,487 | 0.4.1 |
66 | ps | List, Query, Manipulate System Processes | 162,344 | 1.8.1 |
67 | hms | Pretty Time of Day | 161,004 | 1.1.3 |
68 | xml2 | Parse XML | 159,692 | 1.3.6 |
69 | bit64 | A S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers | 156,727 | 4.5.2 |
70 | systemfonts | System Native Font Finding | 153,996 | 1.1.0 |
71 | prettyunits | Pretty, Human Readable Formatting of Quantities | 153,823 | 1.2.0 |
72 | processx | Execute and Control System Processes | 153,730 | 3.8.4 |
73 | callr | Call R from R | 150,469 | 3.7.6 |
74 | lubridate | Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier | 150,422 | 1.9.4 |
75 | rstudioapi | Safely Access the RStudio API | 148,867 | 0.17.1 |
76 | progress | Terminal Progress Bars | 146,870 | 1.2.3 |
77 | tzdb | Time Zone Database Information | 144,862 | 0.4.0 |
78 | bit | Classes and Methods for Fast Memory-Efficient Boolean Selections | 143,108 | |
79 | vroom | Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly | 142,259 | 1.6.5 |
80 | broom | Convert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles | 140,174 | 1.0.7 |
81 | promises | Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming | 139,971 | 1.3.2 |
82 | timechange | Efficient Manipulation of Date-Times | 139,706 | 0.3.0 |
83 | DBI | R Database Interface | 138,908 | 1.2.3 |
84 | clipr | Read and Write from the System Clipboard | 132,635 | 0.8.0 |
85 | haven | Import and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files | 129,826 | 2.5.4 |
86 | later | Utilities for Scheduling Functions to Execute Later with Event Loops | 129,790 | 1.4.1 |
87 | rvest | Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages | 126,494 | 1.0.4 |
88 | zoo | S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z's Ordered Observations) | 126,372 | 1.8-12 |
89 | rprojroot | Finding Files in Project Subdirectories | 123,740 | 2.0.4 |
90 | rematch | Match Regular Expressions with a Nicer 'API' | 122,492 | 2.0.0 |
91 | modelr | Modelling Functions that Work with the Pipe | 121,525 | 0.1.11 |
92 | cellranger | Translate Spreadsheet Cell Ranges to Rows and Columns | 121,221 | 1.1.0 |
93 | htmlwidgets | HTML Widgets for R | 120,485 | 1.6.4 |
94 | forcats | Tools for Working with Categorical Variables (Factors) | 118,974 | 1.0.0 |
95 | gargle | Utilities for Working with Google APIs | 118,184 | 1.5.2 |
96 | dbplyr | A 'dplyr' Back End for Databases | 116,342 | 2.5.0 |
97 | commonmark | High Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R | 115,787 | 1.9.2 |
98 | shiny | Web Application Framework for R | 114,678 | 1.10.0 |
99 | selectr | Translate CSS Selectors to XPath Expressions | 113,263 | 0.4-2 |
100 | httpuv | HTTP and WebSocket Server Library | 112,816 | 1.6.15 |
I sometimes ask myself a question - how can I find an R package that does X Y Z? Well, there are many sites that give you that answer. But I still feel that they aren't giving enough. That's why I built this site. If you like it, then go to https://github.com/oobianom and give me a thumbs up.