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Maintained by
Hadley Wickham
[Scholar Profile | Author Map]
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All associated links for this package
10.32614/CRAN.package.dplyr . https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues . https://dplyr.tidyverse.org . https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr . dplyr results . dplyr.pdf . dplyr <-> base R . Introduction to dplyr . Using dplyr in packages . Programming with dplyr . dplyr_1.1.4.tar.gz . dplyr_1.1.4.zip . dplyr_1.1.4.zip . dplyr_1.1.4.zip . dplyr_1.1.4.tgz . dplyr_1.1.4.tgz . dplyr_1.1.4.tgz . dplyr_1.1.4.tgz . dplyr_1.1.4.tgz . dplyr_1.1.4.tgz . dplyr archive . Organism.dplyr . multidplyr . https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=dplyr .
First Published: 2014-01-16
Latest Update: 2023-09-03
A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like
objects, both in memory and out of memory.
How to cite:
Hadley Wickham (2014). dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation. R package version 1.1.4, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dplyr. Accessed 26 Mar. 2025.
Previous versions and publish date:
0.1.1 (2014-01-29 21:24), 0.1.2 (2014-02-24 16:36), 0.1.3 (2014-03-15 00:36), 0.1 (2014-01-16 22:53), 0.2 (2014-05-21 08:20), (2014-10-08 05:21), (2014-10-11 07:43), 0.3 (2014-10-04 06:39), 0.4.0 (2015-01-08 11:12), 0.4.1 (2015-01-14 07:15), 0.4.2 (2015-06-16 11:24), 0.4.3 (2015-09-01 18:15), 0.5.0 (2016-06-24 15:37), 0.7.0 (2017-06-09 13:08), 0.7.1 (2017-06-22 15:31), 0.7.2 (2017-07-21 01:39), 0.7.3 (2017-09-09 16:04), 0.7.4 (2017-09-28 22:43), 0.7.5 (2018-05-19 09:06), 0.7.6 (2018-06-29 23:23), 0.7.7 (2018-10-16 15:20), 0.7.8 (2018-11-10 08:30), (2019-02-15 16:30), 0.8.0 (2019-02-14 23:22), 0.8.1 (2019-05-14 14:20), 0.8.2 (2019-06-29 06:50), 0.8.3 (2019-07-04 17:50), 0.8.4 (2020-01-31 18:20), 0.8.5 (2020-03-07 13:20), 1.0.0 (2020-05-29 17:00), 1.0.1 (2020-07-31 09:00), 1.0.2 (2020-08-18 14:30), 1.0.3 (2021-01-15 14:20), 1.0.4 (2021-02-02 18:10), 1.0.5 (2021-03-05 12:00), 1.0.6 (2021-05-05 17:40), 1.0.7 (2021-06-19 01:20), 1.0.8 (2022-02-08 10:30), 1.0.9 (2022-04-28 15:30), 1.0.10 (2022-09-01 11:20), 1.1.0 (2023-01-29 23:50), 1.1.1 (2023-03-22 14:20), 1.1.2 (2023-04-20 16:00), 1.1.3 (2023-09-03 18:20)
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Functions, R codes and Examples using
the dplyr R package
Some associated functions: across . add_rownames . all_equal . all_vars . args_by . arrange . arrange_all . auto_copy . backend_dbplyr . band_members . between . bind_cols . bind_rows . c_across . case_match . case_when . check_dbplyr . coalesce . combine . common_by . compute . consecutive_id . context . copy_to . count . cross_join . cumall . defunct . deprec-context . desc . dim_desc . distinct . distinct_all . do . dplyr-locale . dplyr-package . dplyr_by . dplyr_data_masking . dplyr_extending . dplyr_tidy_select . explain . filter-joins . filter . filter_all . funs . glimpse . group_by . group_by_all . group_by_drop_default . group_by_prepare . group_cols . group_data . group_map . group_nest . group_split . group_trim . grouped_df . ident . if_else . join_by . last_dplyr_warnings . lead-lag . make_tbl . mutate-joins . mutate . mutate_all . n_distinct . na_if . near . nest_by . nest_join . new_grouped_df . nth . ntile . order_by . percent_rank . pick . progress_estimated . pull . recode . reexports . reframe . relocate . rename . row_number . rows . rowwise . same_src . sample_n . scoped . se-deprecated . select . select_all . setops . slice . sql . src . src_dbi . src_local . src_tbls . starwars . storms . summarise . summarise_all . summarise_each . tbl . tbl_df . tbl_ptype . tbl_vars . tidyeval-compat . top_n . transmute . vars . with_groups . with_order .
Some associated R codes: across.R . all-equal.R . arrange.R . bind-cols.R . bind-rows.R . by.R . case-match.R . case-when.R . coalesce.R . colwise-arrange.R . colwise-distinct.R . colwise-filter.R . colwise-funs.R . colwise-group-by.R . colwise-mutate.R . colwise-select.R . colwise.R . compat-dbplyr.R . compat-name-repair.R . compute-collect.R . conditions.R . consecutive-id.R . context.R . copy-to.R . count-tally.R . data-bands.R . data-mask.R . data-starwars.R . data-storms.R . dbplyr.R . defunct.R . deprec-combine.R . deprec-context.R . deprec-dbi.R . deprec-do.R . deprec-funs.R . deprec-lazyeval.R . deprec-src-local.R . deprec-tibble.R . desc.R . distinct.R . doc-methods.R . doc-params.R . dplyr.R . error.R . explain.R . filter.R . funs.R . generics.R . group-by.R . group-data.R . group-map.R . group-nest.R . group-split.R . group-trim.R . grouped-df.R . groups-with.R . if-else.R . import-standalone-lazyeval.R . import-standalone-obj-type.R . import-standalone-purrr.R . import-standalone-types-check.R . join-by.R . join-cols.R . join-common-by.R . join-cross.R . join-rows.R . join.R . lead-lag.R . locale.R . mutate.R . n-distinct.R . na-if.R . near.R . nest-by.R . nth-value.R . order-by.R . pick.R . progress.R . pull.R . rank.R . recode.R . reexport-magrittr.R . reexport-pillar.R . reexport-tibble.R . reframe.R . relocate.R . rename.R . rows.R . rowwise.R . sample.R . select-helpers.R . select.R . sets.R . slice.R . src-dbi.R . src.R . summarise.R . tbl.R . top-n.R . transmute.R . ts.R . utils-format.R . utils-tidy-eval.R . utils.R . vctrs.R . vec-case-match.R . vec-case-when.R . zzz.R . Full dplyr package functions and examples
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