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Maintained by
Zhengjia Wang
[Scholar Profile | Author Map]
[Scholar Profile | Author Map]
First Published: 2020-08-14
Latest Update: 2023-07-16
Includes multiple cross-platform read/write interfaces for
'RAVE' project. 'RAVE' stands for "R analysis and visualization of human
intracranial electroencephalography data". The whole project aims at
providing powerful free-source package that analyze brain recordings from
patients with electrodes placed on the cortical surface or inserted into
the brain. 'raveio' as part of this project provides tools to read/write
neurophysiology data from/to 'RAVE' file structure, as well as several
popular formats including 'EDF(+)', 'Matlab', 'BIDS-iEEG', and 'HDF5',
etc. Documentation and examples about 'RAVE' project are provided at
, and the paper by John F. Magnotti,
Zhengjia Wang, Michael S. Beauchamp (2020)
; see 'citation("raveio")' for
How to cite:
Zhengjia Wang (2020). raveio: File-System Toolbox for RAVE Project. R package version 0.9.0, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/raveio. Accessed 27 Mar. 2025.
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Functions, R codes and Examples using
the raveio R package
Some associated functions: BlackrockFile . ECoGTensor . LFP_electrode . LFP_reference . LazyFST . LazyH5 . PipelineCollections . PipelineResult . PipelineTools . RAVEAbstarctElectrode . RAVEEpoch . RAVEMetaSubject . RAVEPreprocessSettings . RAVEProject . RAVESubject . Tensor . ants_coreg . as_rave_project . as_rave_subject . as_rave_unit . auto_process_blackrock . backup_file . cache_path . catgl . cmd-external . collapse2 . collapse_power . convert-fst . convert_blackrock . dir_create2 . find_path . generate_reference . get_projects . get_val2 . h5_names . h5_valid . import_electrode_table . install_modules . is.blank . is.zerolenth . is_on_cran . is_valid_ish . join_tensors . lapply_async . load_bids_ieeg_header . load_fst_or_h5 . load_h5 . load_meta2 . load_yaml . mgh_to_nii . module_add . module_registry . new_electrode . niftyreg_coreg . pipeline-knitr-markdown . pipeline . pipeline_collection . pipeline_install . pipeline_settings_get_set . power_baseline . progress_with_logger . py_nipy_coreg . rave-pipeline . rave-prepare . rave-raw-validation . rave-server . rave-snippet . rave_brain . rave_command_line_path . rave_directories . rave_export . rave_import . rave_subject_format_conversion . raveio-constants . raveio-option . read-brainvision-eeg . read-write-fst . read_csv_ieeg . read_edf_header . read_edf_signal . read_mat . read_nsx_nev . reexports . safe_read_csv . safe_write_csv . save_h5 . save_json . save_meta2 . save_yaml . test_hdspeed . time_diff2 . url_neurosynth . validate_subject . validate_time_window . voltage_baseline . with_future_parallel .
Some associated R codes: aaa.R . backward-compatibility.R . bids.R . blackrock-parser.R . brainvis.R . class-BlackrockFile.R . class-LFP_electrode.R . class-LFP_reference.R . class-electrode-abstract.R . class-epoch.R . class-metasubject.R . class-pipeline_collection.R . class-pipeline_tools.R . class-preprocess.R . class-project.R . class-subject.R . class-watch-dog.R . cmd-3dAlineate.R . cmd-aaa.R . cmd-ants-registration.R . cmd-dcm2niix.R . cmd-flirt.R . cmd-niftyreg.R . cmd-recon-all.R . cmd.R . collapse-power.R . csv.R . csv2.R . edf.R . filearray.R . fst.R . hdf5.R . hdf5r.R . json.R . matlab.R . module-create.R . module-pipeline-registry.R . nifti.R . path.R . pipeline-docs.R . pipeline-install.R . pipeline-knitr.R . pipeline-result.R . pipeline-run.R . pipeline-serializer.R . pipeline-tools.R . progress.R . py-nipy-coreg.R . rave-export-repository.R . rave-import.R . rave-merge-subjects.R . rave-meta.R . rave-prepare-subjectbare.R . rave-prepare-subjectblock.R . rave-prepare-subjectphase.R . rave-prepare-subjectpower.R . rave-prepare-subjectwavelet.R . rave-prepare-voltage-with-epoch.R . rave-prepare.R . rave-raw.R . rave-reference.R . rave-server.R . rave-snippets.R . rave-wavelet.R . rave2-experimental.R . tensor-baseline-power.R . tensor-baseline-voltage.R . tensor.R . threeBrain-instance.R . units.R . url.R . validate-subject.R . validate.R . yaml.R . zzz.R . Full raveio package functions and examples
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