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Analysis of Oceanographic Data
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Maintained by
Dan Kelley
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First Published: 2007-05-21
Latest Update: 2023-06-29
Supports the analysis of Oceanographic data, including 'ADCP' measurements, measurements made with 'argo' floats, 'CTD' measurements, sectional data, sea-level time series, coastline and topographic data, etc. Provides specialized functions for calculating seawater properties such as potential temperature in either the 'UNESCO' or 'TEOS-10' equation of state. Produces graphical displays that conform to the conventions of the Oceanographic literature. This package is discussed extensively by Kelley (2018) "Oceanographic Analysis with R" .
How to cite:
Dan Kelley (2007). oce: Analysis of Oceanographic Data. R package version 1.8-3, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/oce. Accessed 22 Dec. 2024.
Previous versions and publish date:
0.1-75 (2009-01-07 09:04), 0.1-76 (2009-03-03 09:11), 0.1-77 (2009-09-13 21:15), 0.1-78 (2009-10-02 15:34), 0.1-79 (2009-10-26 20:28), 0.1-80 (2009-11-05 13:35), 0.1-81 (2010-10-18 08:35), 0.1-82 (2011-03-21 07:47), 0.1.59 (2007-05-21 10:25), 0.1.62 (2007-05-29 17:02), 0.1.63 (2007-06-02 18:38), 0.1.64 (2007-07-16 22:01), 0.1.67 (2007-10-21 17:06), 0.1.69 (2007-12-14 17:42), 0.1.70 (2008-03-31 20:55), 0.1.71 (2008-04-14 09:25), 0.1.72 (2008-06-09 20:12), 0.1.73 (2008-09-15 09:03), 0.1.74 (2008-11-18 18:56), 0.2-1 (2011-04-28 15:49), 0.2-2 (2011-05-09 17:30), 0.3-1 (2011-06-22 18:32), 0.4-1 (2011-07-23 16:40), 0.5-1 (2011-07-26 22:51), 0.6-1 (2011-09-01 08:26), 0.7-1 (2011-10-07 07:46), 0.8-1 (2011-10-26 20:44), 0.8-2 (2011-11-03 22:30), 0.8-3 (2011-11-18 08:10), 0.8-4 (2011-12-19 11:17), 0.8-6 (2012-03-04 08:01), 0.8-7 (2012-04-05 22:46), 0.8-8 (2012-05-23 21:10), 0.8-9 (2012-05-25 19:19), 0.8-10 (2012-06-12 15:39), 0.9-2 (2012-07-29 20:21), 0.9-3 (2012-09-04 21:02), 0.9-5 (2012-12-15 15:47), 0.9-6 (2012-12-16 17:42), 0.9-8 (2013-04-25 13:32), 0.9-10 (2013-05-19 15:05), 0.9-12 (2013-07-05 07:27), 0.9-13 (2014-01-29 18:47), 0.9-14 (2014-05-19 14:26), 0.9-16 (2015-05-21 01:06), 0.9-17 (2015-05-22 07:54), 0.9-18 (2016-02-12 01:36), 0.9-19 (2016-07-08 17:23), 0.9-20 (2016-11-19 15:37), 0.9-21 (2017-03-30 17:41), 0.9-22 (2017-08-28 20:51), 0.9-23 (2018-01-28 22:13), 1.0-1 (2018-10-04 18:00), 1.1-1 (2019-06-17 14:20), 1.2-0 (2020-02-21 18:40), 1.3-0 (2021-01-29 12:20), 1.4-0 (2021-03-28 08:50), 1.5-0 (2022-01-08 19:33), 1.6-1 (2022-02-18 21:00), 1.7-2 (2022-03-22 18:10), 1.7-3 (2022-05-13 10:10), 1.7-6 (2022-06-11 23:20), 1.7-8 (2022-07-06 00:50), 1.7-10 (2022-08-18 19:30), 1.8-0 (2023-04-25 13:00), 1.8-1 (2023-06-29 15:20), 1.8-2 (2023-12-02 01:30)
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Some associated functions: CTD_BCD2014666_008_1_DN.ODF.gz . GMTOffsetFromTz . ODF2oce . ODFListFromHeader . ODFNames2oceNames . T68fromT90 . T90fromT48 . T90fromT68 . abbreviateTimeLabels . ad2cpCodeToName . ad2cpHeaderValue . addSpine . adp-class . adp . adpAd2cpFileTrim . adpConvertRawToNumeric . adpEnsembleAverage . adpFlagPastBoundary . adpRdiFileTrim . adp_rdi.000 . adv-class . adv . advSontekAdrFileTrim . airRho . amsr-class . amsr . angle2hms . angleRemap . applyMagneticDeclination-adp-method . applyMagneticDeclination-adv-method . applyMagneticDeclination-cm-method . applyMagneticDeclination-oce-method . applyMagneticDeclination . approx3d . argShow . argo-class . argo . argoGrid . argoJuldToTime . argoNames2oceNames . as.adp . as.argo . as.cm . as.coastline . as.ctd . as.echosounder . as.gps . as.ladp . as.lisst . as.lobo . as.met . as.oce . as.rsk . as.sealevel . as.section . as.tidem . as.topo . as.unit . as.windrose . as.xbt . bcdToInteger . beamName . beamToXyz . beamToXyzAdp . beamToXyzAdpAD2CP . beamToXyzAdv . beamUnspreadAdp . bilinearInterp . binApply1D . binApply2D . binAverage . binCount1D . binCount2D . binMean1D . binMean2D . binmapAdp . bound125 . bremen-class . byteToBinary . cm-class . cm . cnvName2oceName . coastline-class . coastlineBest . coastlineCut . coastlineWorld . colormap . colormapGMT . composite-amsr-method . composite-list-method . composite . computableWaterProperties . concatenate-adp-method . concatenate-list-method . concatenate-oce-method . concatenate . coriolis . ctd-class . ctd.cnv.gz . ctd . ctdDecimate . ctdFindProfiles . ctdFindProfilesRBR . ctdRaw . ctdRepair . ctdTrim . ctd_aml.csv.gz . ctimeToSeconds . curl . d200321-001.ctd.gz . d201211_0011.cnv.gz . dataLabel . decimate . decodeHeaderNortek . decodeTime . defaultFlags . despike . detrend . download.amsr . download.coastline . download.met . download.topo . drawDirectionField . drawIsopycnals . drawPalette . echosounder-class . echosounder . eclipticalToEquatorial . enuToOther . enuToOtherAdp . enuToOtherAdv . equatorialToLocalHorizontal . errorbars . fillGap . findBottom . firstFinite . formatCI . formatPosition . fullFilename . g1sst-class . gappyIndex . geodDist . geodGc . geodXy . geodXyInverse . gps-class . grad . gravity . handleFlags-adp-method . handleFlags-argo-method . handleFlags-ctd-method . handleFlags-oce-method . handleFlags-section-method . handleFlags-vector-method . handleFlags . handleFlagsInternal . head.oce . imagep . initialize-ctd-method . initializeFlagScheme-ctd-method . initializeFlagScheme-oce-method . initializeFlagScheme-section-method . initializeFlagScheme . initializeFlagSchemeInternal . initializeFlags-adp-method . initializeFlags-oce-method . initializeFlags . initializeFlagsInternal . integerToAscii . integrateTrapezoid . interpBarnes . is.ad2cp . julianCenturyAnomaly . julianDay . labelWithUnit . ladp-class . landsat-class . landsat . landsatAdd . landsatTrim . latFormat . latlonFormat . lisst-class . lisst . lobo-class . lobo . locationForGsw . lon360 . lonFormat . longitudeTighten . lonlat2map . lonlat2utm . lookWithin . lowpass . magneticField . makeFilter . map2lonlat . mapArrows . mapAxis . mapContour . mapCoordinateSystem . mapDirectionField . mapGrid . mapImage . mapLines . mapLocator . mapLongitudeLatitudeXY . mapPlot . mapPoints . mapPolygon . mapScalebar . mapText . mapTissot . matchBytes . matrixShiftLongitude . matrixSmooth . met-class . met . metNames2oceNames . moonAngle . numberAsHMS . numberAsPOSIXct . oce-class . oce-deprecated . oce.as.raw . oce.axis.POSIXct . oce.contour . oce.grid . oce . oce.plot.ts . oce.write.table . oceApprox . oceAxis . oceCRS . oceColors9B . oceColorsCDOM . oceColorsChlorophyll . oceColorsClosure . oceColorsDensity . oceColorsFreesurface . oceColorsGebco . oceColorsJet . oceColorsOxygen . oceColorsPAR . oceColorsPalette . oceColorsPhase . oceColorsSalinity . oceColorsTemperature . oceColorsTurbidity . oceColorsTurbo . oceColorsTwo . oceColorsVelocity . oceColorsViridis . oceColorsVorticity . oceConvolve . oceDebug . oceDeleteData . oceDeleteMetadata . oceEdit . oceFileTrim . oceFilter . oceGetData . oceGetMetadata . oceMagic . oceNames2whpNames . ocePmatch . oceProject . oceRenameData . oceRenameMetadata . oceSetData . oceSetMetadata . oceSmooth . oceSpectrum . oceUnits2whpUnits . ocecolors . odf-class . parseLatLon . plot-adp-method . plot-adv-method . plot-amsr-method . plot-argo-method . plot-bremen-method . plot-cm-method . plot-coastline-method . plot-ctd-method . plot-echosounder-method . plot-gps-method . plot-ladp-method . plot-landsat-method . plot-lisst-method . plot-lobo-method . plot-met-method . plot-oce-method . plot-odf-method . plot-rsk-method . plot-satellite-method . plot-sealevel-method . plot-section-method . plot-tidem-method . plot-topo-method . plot-windrose-method . plot-xbt-method . plotInset . plotPolar . plotProfile . plotScan . plotSticks . plotTS . plotTaylor . predict.tidem . preferAdjusted . presentTime . prettyPosition . processingLog-set . processingLogAppend . processingLogItem . processingLogShow . pwelch . rangeExtended . rangeLimit . read.adp.ad2cp . read.adp.nortek . read.adp . read.adp.rdi . read.adp.sontek . read.adp.sontek.serial . read.adv.nortek . read.adv . read.adv.sontek.adr . read.adv.sontek.serial . read.adv.sontek.text . read.amsr . read.aquadopp . read.aquadoppHR . read.aquadoppProfiler . read.argo.copernicus . read.argo . read.bremen . read.cm . read.coastline . read.coastline.openstreetmap . read.coastline.shapefile . read.ctd.aml . read.ctd.itp . read.ctd . read.ctd.odf . read.ctd.odv . read.ctd.saiv . read.ctd.sbe . read.ctd.ssda . read.ctd.woce . read.ctd.woce.other . read.echosounder . read.g1sst . read.gps . read.index . read.landsat . read.lisst . read.lobo . read.met . read.netcdf . read.oce . read.odf . read.rsk . read.sealevel . read.section . read.topo . read.woa . read.xbt.edf . read.xbt.noaa1 . read.xbt . rescale . resizableLabel . retime . rotateAboutZ . rsk-class . rsk . rsk2ctd . rskPatm . rskToc . runlm . satellite-class . sealevel-class . sealevel . sealevelTuktoyaktuk . secondsToCtime . section-class . section . sectionAddStation . sectionGrid . sectionSmooth . sectionSort . setFlags-adp-method . setFlags-ctd-method . setFlags-oce-method . setFlags . shiftLongitude . showMetadataItem . siderealTime . snakeToCamel . standardDepths . standardizeLongitude . sub-sub-adp-method . sub-sub-adv-method . sub-sub-amsr-method . sub-sub-argo-method . sub-sub-bremen-method . sub-sub-cm-method . sub-sub-coastline-method . sub-sub-ctd-method . sub-sub-echosounder-method . sub-sub-g1sst-method . sub-sub-gps-method . sub-sub-ladp-method . sub-sub-landsat-method . sub-sub-lisst-method . sub-sub-lobo-method . sub-sub-met-method . sub-sub-oce-method . sub-sub-odf-method . sub-sub-rsk-method . sub-sub-sealevel-method . sub-sub-section-method . sub-sub-tidem-method . sub-sub-topo-method . sub-sub-windrose-method . sub-sub-xbt-method . sub-subset-adp-method . sub-subset-adv-method . sub-subset-amsr-method . sub-subset-argo-method . sub-subset-bremen-method . sub-subset-cm-method . sub-subset-coastline-method . sub-subset-ctd-method . sub-subset-echosounder-method . sub-subset-g1sst-method . sub-subset-gps-method . sub-subset-ladp-method . sub-subset-landsat-method . sub-subset-lisst-method . sub-subset-lobo-method . sub-subset-met-method . sub-subset-oce-method . sub-subset-odf-method . sub-subset-rsk-method . sub-subset-sealevel-method . sub-subset-section-method . sub-subset-tidem-method . sub-subset-topo-method . sub-subset-windrose-method . sub-subset-xbt-method . subset-adp-method . subset-adv-method . subset-amsr-method . subset-argo-method . subset-cm-method . subset-coastline-method . subset-ctd-method . subset-echosounder-method . subset-lobo-method . subset-met-method . subset-oce-method . subset-odf-method . subset-rsk-method . subset-sealevel-method . subset-section-method . subset-topo-method . subset-xbt-method . subtractBottomVelocity . summary-adp-method . summary-adv-method . summary-amsr-method . summary-argo-method . summary-bremen-method . summary-cm-method . summary-coastline-method . summary-ctd-method . summary-echosounder-method . summary-gps-method . summary-ladp-method . summary-landsat-method . summary-lisst-method . summary-lobo-method . summary-met-method . summary-oce-method . summary-odf-method . summary-rsk-method . summary-satellite-method . summary-sealevel-method . summary-section-method . summary-tidem-method . summary-topo-method . summary-windrose-method . summary-xbt-method . sunAngle . sunDeclinationRightAscension . swAbsoluteSalinity . swAlpha . swAlphaOverBeta . swBeta . swCSTp . swConservativeTemperature . swDepth . swDynamicHeight . swLapseRate . swN2 . swPressure . swRho . swRrho . swSCTp . swSR . swSTrho . swSigma . swSigma0 . swSigma1 . swSigma2 . swSigma3 . swSigma4 . swSigmaT . swSigmaTheta . swSoundAbsorption . swSoundSpeed . swSpecificHeat . swSpice . swSstar . swTFreeze . swTSrho . swThermalConductivity . swTheta . swViscosity . swZ . tail.oce . threenum . tidalCurrent . tidedata . tidem-class . tidem . tidemAstron . tidemConstituentNameFix . tidemVuf . timeToArgoJuld . titleCase . toEnu . toEnuAdp . toEnuAdv . topo-class . topoInterpolate . topoWorld . unabbreviateYear . undriftTime . unduplicateNames . ungrid . unitFromString . unitFromStringRsk . unwrapAngle . useHeading . usrLonLat . utm2lonlat . vectorShow . velocityStatistics . webtide . wind . window.oce . windrose-class . woceNames2oceNames . woceUnit2oceUnit . write.ctd . xbt-class . xbt.edf . xbt . xyzToEnu . xyzToEnuAdp . xyzToEnuAdpAD2CP . xyzToEnuAdv . 
Some associated R codes: AllClass.R . RcppExports.R . accessors.R . ad.R . adp.R . adp.nortek.R . adp.nortek.ad2cp.R . adp.rdi.R . adp.sontek.R . adv.R . adv.nortek.R . adv.sontek.R . air.R . amsr.R . argo.R . argo.copernicus.R . astronomy.R . bin.R . bremen.R . cm.R . coastline.R . colors.R . ctd.R . ctd.aml.R . ctd.itp.R . ctd.odv.R . ctd.saiv.R . ctd.sbe.R . ctd.ssda.R . ctd.woce.R . echosounder.R . extdata.R . g1sst.R . geod.R . gps.R . imagep.R . index.R . ladp.R . landsat.R . lisst.R . lobo.R . map.R . met.R . misc.R . moon.R . netcdf.R . oce.R . odf.R . processingLog.R . rsk.R . run.R . satellite.R . sealevel.R . section.R . spectral.R . sun.R . sw.R . tides.R . topo.R . units.R . windrose.R . xbt.R . zzz.R .  Full oce package functions and examples
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