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Maintained by
Yves Rosseel
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First Published: 2012-09-08
Latest Update: 2023-07-19
Fit a variety of latent variable models, including confirmatory
factor analysis, structural equation modeling and latent growth curve models.
How to cite:
Yves Rosseel (2012). lavaan: Latent Variable Analysis. R package version 0.6-19, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lavaan. Accessed 06 Mar. 2025.
Previous versions and publish date:
0.5-9 (2012-09-08 09:17), 0.5-10 (2012-10-25 15:27), 0.5-11 (2012-12-19 07:27), 0.5-12 (2013-03-08 17:04), 0.5-13 (2013-05-11 20:16), 0.5-14 (2013-07-21 11:34), 0.5-15 (2013-11-15 15:04), 0.5-16 (2014-03-07 17:44), 0.5-17 (2014-09-30 16:36), 0.5-18 (2015-04-06 19:17), 0.5-19 (2015-10-03 23:37), 0.5-20 (2015-11-07 19:03), 0.5-21 (2016-09-07 15:59), 0.5-22 (2016-09-24 18:02), 0.5-23.1097 (2017-02-24 23:28), 0.6-1 (2018-05-22 16:34), 0.6-2 (2018-07-16 17:30), 0.6-3 (2018-09-23 01:20), 0.6-4 (2019-07-03 18:00), 0.6-5 (2019-08-28 23:40), 0.6-6 (2020-05-13 18:40), 0.6-7 (2020-07-31 08:10), 0.6-8 (2021-03-10 16:40), 0.6-9 (2021-06-27 18:20), 0.6-10 (2022-01-25 12:32), 0.6-11 (2022-03-31 12:30), 0.6-12 (2022-07-04 18:40), 0.6-13 (2023-01-09 09:40), 0.6-14 (2023-02-09 18:50), 0.6-15 (2023-03-14 19:50), 0.6-16 (2023-07-20 00:10), 0.6-17 (2023-12-20 16:50), 0.6-18 (2024-06-07 14:30)
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Complete documentation for lavaan
Functions, R codes and Examples using
the lavaan R package
Some associated functions: Demo.growth . Demo.twolevel . FacialBurns . HolzingerSwineford1939 . InformativeTesting . PoliticalDemocracy . bootstrap . cfa . efa . estfun . fitMeasures . getCov . growth . inspectSampleCov . lavCor . lavExport . lavInspect . lavListInspect . lavMatrixRepresentation . lavNames . lavOptions . lavParTable . lavPredict . lavPredictY . lavResiduals . lavTables . lavTablesFit . lavTest . lavTestLRT . lavTestScore . lavTestWald . lav_constraints . lav_data . lav_func . lav_matrix . lav_model . lav_partable . lav_samplestats . lavaan-class . lavaan . lavaanList-class . lavaanList . model.syntax . modificationIndices . mplus2lavaan.modelSyntax . mplus2lavaan . parameterEstimates . plot.InformativeTesting . sam . sem . simulateData . standardizedSolution . summary.efaList . varTable .
Some associated R codes: 00class.R . 00generic.R . ctr_estfun.R . ctr_informative_testing.R . ctr_modelcov.R . ctr_mplus2lavaan.R . ctr_pairwise_fit.R . ctr_pairwise_table.R . ctr_pml_doubly_robust_utils.R . ctr_pml_plrt.R . ctr_pml_plrt2.R . ctr_pml_plrt_nested.R . ctr_pml_utils.R . lav_bootstrap.R . lav_bootstrap_lrt.R . lav_bvmix.R . lav_bvord.R . lav_bvreg.R . lav_cfa_1fac.R . lav_cfa_bentler1982.R . lav_cfa_fabin.R . lav_cfa_guttman1952.R . lav_cfa_jamesstein.R . lav_cfa_utils.R . lav_constraints.R . lav_cor.R . lav_data.R . lav_data_patterns.R . lav_data_print.R . lav_data_update.R . lav_dataframe.R . lav_efa_extraction.R . lav_efa_pace.R . lav_efa_print.R . lav_efa_summary.R . lav_efa_utils.R . lav_export.R . lav_export_bugs.R . lav_export_mplus.R . lav_fit.R . lav_fit_aic.R . lav_fit_cfi.R . lav_fit_gfi.R . lav_fit_measures.R . lav_fit_other.R . lav_fit_rmsea.R . lav_fit_srmr.R . lav_fit_utils.R . lav_fsr.R . lav_func_deriv.R . lav_graphics.R . lav_h1_implied.R . lav_h1_logl.R . lav_integrate.R . lav_lavaanList_inspect.R . lav_lavaanList_methods.R . lav_lavaanList_multipleGroups.R . lav_lavaanList_multipleImputation.R . lav_lavaanList_simulate.R . lav_matrix.R . lav_matrix_rotate.R . lav_matrix_rotate_methods.R . lav_matrix_rotate_utils.R . lav_model.R . lav_model_compute.R . lav_model_efa.R . lav_model_estimate.R . lav_model_gradient.R . lav_model_gradient_mml.R . lav_model_gradient_pml.R . lav_model_h1_information.R . lav_model_h1_omega.R . lav_model_hessian.R . lav_model_implied.R . lav_model_information.R . lav_model_lik.R . lav_model_loglik.R . lav_model_objective.R . lav_model_properties.R . lav_model_utils.R . lav_model_vcov.R . lav_model_wls.R . lav_modification.R . lav_mplus.R . lav_muthen1984.R . lav_mvnorm.R . lav_mvnorm_cluster.R . lav_mvnorm_cluster_missing.R . lav_mvnorm_h1.R . lav_mvnorm_missing.R . lav_mvnorm_missing_h1.R . lav_mvreg.R . lav_mvreg_cluster.R . lav_norm.R . lav_object_generate.R . lav_object_inspect.R . lav_object_methods.R . lav_object_post_check.R . lav_object_summary.R . lav_objective.R . lav_optim_gn.R . lav_optim_nlminb_constr.R . lav_optim_noniter.R . lav_options.R . lav_partable.R . lav_partable_attributes.R . lav_partable_bounds.R . lav_partable_check.R . lav_partable_complete.R . lav_partable_constraints.R . lav_partable_efa.R . lav_partable_flat.R . lav_partable_from_lm.R . lav_partable_full.R . lav_partable_labels.R . lav_partable_merge.R . lav_partable_ov_from_data.R . lav_partable_subset.R . lav_partable_unrestricted.R . lav_partable_utils.R . lav_partable_vnames.R . lav_predict.R . lav_predict_y.R . lav_prelis.R . lav_print.R . lav_representation.R . lav_representation_lisrel.R . lav_representation_ram.R . lav_residuals.R . lav_residuals_casewise.R . lav_sam_step0.R . lav_sam_step1.R . lav_sam_step2.R . lav_sam_step2_se.R . lav_sam_utils.R . lav_samplestats.R . lav_samplestats_gamma.R . lav_samplestats_icov.R . lav_samplestats_igamma.R . lav_samplestats_robust.R . lav_samplestats_step1.R . lav_samplestats_step2.R . lav_samplestats_wls_obs.R . lav_sem_miiv.R . lav_simulate.R . lav_simulate_old.R . lav_standardize.R . lav_start.R . lav_syntax.R . lav_syntax_independence.R . lav_syntax_mlist.R . lav_syntax_parser.R . lav_tables.R . lav_tables_mvb.R . lav_test.R . lav_test_LRT.R . lav_test_Wald.R . lav_test_browne.R . lav_test_diff.R . lav_test_print.R . lav_test_satorra_bentler.R . lav_test_score.R . lav_test_yuan_bentler.R . lav_utils.R . lav_uvord.R . lav_uvreg.R . xxx_efa.R . xxx_fsr.R . xxx_lavaan.R . xxx_lavaanList.R . xxx_sam.R . zzz.R . zzz_OLDNAMES.R . Full lavaan package functions and examples
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