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Maintained by
Andrew Brown
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All associated links for this package
10.32614/CRAN.package.soilDB . https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/issues . https://github.com/ncss-tech/soilDB/ . https://ncss-tech.github.io/soilDB/ . soilDB citation info . soilDB results . soilDB.pdf . soilDB_2.8.8.tar.gz . soilDB_2.8.8.zip . soilDB_2.8.8.zip . soilDB_2.8.8.zip . soilDB_2.8.8.tgz . soilDB_2.8.8.tgz . soilDB_2.8.8.tgz . soilDB_2.8.8.tgz . soilDB_2.8.8.tgz . soilDB_2.8.8.tgz . soilDB archive . https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=soilDB .
First Published: 2012-01-03
Latest Update: 2024-01-09
A collection of functions for reading soil data from U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) and National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) databases.
How to cite:
Andrew Brown (2012). soilDB: Soil Database Interface. R package version 2.8.8, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/soilDB. Accessed 07 Mar. 2025.
Previous versions and publish date:
0.3-2 (2012-01-03 09:22), 0.3-3 (2012-01-16 08:32), 0.6-2 (2012-06-22 09:00), 0.8-1 (2012-08-27 19:23), 0.8-3 (2012-10-10 23:27), 0.9-3 (2013-01-10 18:19), 0.9-6 (2013-02-28 07:21), 1.0 (2013-04-18 21:19), 1.2-6 (2013-12-17 07:43), 1.3-1 (2014-03-11 01:59), 1.3-2 (2014-04-30 20:42), 1.5-2 (2015-02-25 08:12), 1.5-4 (2015-04-23 07:33), 1.5 (2015-02-21 01:33), 1.6.6 (2015-12-05 00:03), 1.7 (2016-02-16 23:58), 1.8-7 (2016-11-10 13:17), 1.8.14 (2017-11-17 00:00), 1.8 (2016-04-29 23:48), 2.0-1 (2018-01-23 22:47), 2.0 (2018-01-11 22:41), 2.3.5 (2019-01-15 01:00), 2.3 (2018-11-19 13:30), 2.4.1 (2019-11-07 17:50), 2.5.8 (2020-10-21 07:40), 2.5.9 (2021-01-26 18:10), 2.5 (2020-01-28 21:40), 2.6.1 (2021-04-18 23:40), 2.6.2 (2021-05-16 16:30), 2.6.3 (2021-07-23 17:30), 2.6.5 (2021-08-21 19:00), 2.6.9 (2021-12-03 23:20), 2.6.10 (2021-12-15 02:00), 2.6.12 (2022-01-08 12:20), 2.6.13 (2022-01-31 08:40), 2.6.14 (2022-03-15 11:00), 2.6.15 (2022-04-14 12:20), 2.7.0 (2022-05-19 00:20), 2.7.1 (2022-06-10 23:20), 2.7.2 (2022-06-27 22:10), 2.7.3 (2022-08-20 02:10), 2.7.4 (2022-10-01 00:40), 2.7.5 (2022-10-18 10:20), 2.7.6 (2022-12-02 23:20), 2.7.7 (2023-03-11 01:10), 2.7.8 (2023-08-29 08:20), 2.7.10 (2023-11-16 20:10), 2.8.0 (2023-12-22 06:00), 2.8.1 (2024-01-10 00:50), 2.8.2 (2024-04-23 02:10), 2.8.3 (2024-06-12 00:00), 2.8.4 (2024-08-17 06:50), 2.8.5 (2024-11-05 04:40), 2.8.7 (2025-01-16 20:40)
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Complete documentation for soilDB
Functions, R codes and Examples using
the soilDB R package
Some associated functions: ISSR800.wcs . KSSL_VG_model . NASISChoiceList . NASISDomainsAsFactor . NASIS_table_column_keys . OSDquery . ROSETTA . SCAN_SNOTEL_metadata . SDA_query . SDA_spatialQuery . STRplot . SoilWeb_spatial_query . WCS_details . createSSURGO . createStaticNASIS . dbConnectNASIS . dbQueryNASIS . dot-get_SRI_gdb_names . downloadSSURGO . estimateColorMixture . estimateSTR . fetchGDB . fetchHenry . fetchKSSL . fetchLDM . fetchNASIS . fetchNASISLabData . fetchNASISWebReport . fetchOSD . fetchPedonPC . fetchRaCA . fetchSCAN . fetchSDA . fetchSDA_spatial . fetchSRI . fetchSoilGrids . fetchVegdata . filter_geochem . format_SQL_in_statement . getHzErrorsNASIS . get_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnit . get_NASIS_metadata . get_NASIS_table_key_by_name . get_NASIS_table_metadata . get_NASIS_table_name_by_purpose . get_NOAA_GHCND . get_NOAA_stations_nearXY . get_OSD . get_RMF_from_NASIS_db . get_SDA_coecoclass . get_SDA_cosurfmorph . get_SDA_hydric . get_SDA_interpretation . get_SDA_metrics . get_SDA_muaggatt . get_SDA_pmgroupname . get_SDA_property . get_SDV_legend_elements . get_SRI . get_SRI_layers . get_colors_from_NASIS_db . get_colors_from_pedon_db . get_comonth_from_NASIS_db . get_component_data_from_NASIS_db . get_cosoilmoist_from_NASIS . get_ecosite_history_from_NASIS_db . get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db . get_extended_data_from_pedon_db . get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db . get_hz_data_from_pedon_db . get_lablayer_data_from_NASIS_db . get_labpedon_data_from_NASIS_db . get_mapunit_from_NASIS . get_site_data_from_NASIS_db . get_site_data_from_pedon_db . get_soilDB_env . get_soilseries_from_NASIS . get_text_notes_from_NASIS_db . get_veg_data_from_NASIS_db . get_veg_from_AK_Site . get_veg_from_MT_veg_db . get_veg_from_NPS_PLOTS_db . get_veg_other_from_MT_veg_db . get_veg_species_from_MT_veg_db . loafercreek . local_NASIS_defined . makeChunks . make_EDIT_service_URL . metadata . mukey.wcs . parseWebReport . processSDA_WKT . seriesExtent . siblings . simplifyColorData . simplifyFragmentData . soilColor.wcs . soilDB-package . taxaExtent . uncode . us_ss_timeline . waterDayYear .
Some associated R codes: AAAA.R . ISSR800.R . KSSL_VG_model.R . OSDquery.R . ROSETTA.R . SDA-spatial.R . SDA_query.R . SDA_utils.R . SSURGO_query.R . SSURGO_spatial_query.R . STR.R . SoilDataViewer.R . WCS-utils.R . createSSURGO.R . createStaticNASIS.R . dbQueryNASIS.R . estimateColorMixture.R . fetchEDIT_tools.R . fetchHenry.R . fetchKSSL.R . fetchLDM.R . fetchNASIS.R . fetchNASISLabData.R . fetchNASISWebReport.R . fetchNASIS_components.R . fetchNASIS_pedons.R . fetchNASIS_report.R . fetchNOAA.R . fetchOSD.R . fetchPedonPC.R . fetchRaCA.R . fetchSCAN.R . fetchSDA_spatial.R . fetchSRI.R . fetchSoilGrids.R . fetchVegdata.R . filter_KSSL.R . getHzErrorsNASIS.R . getHzErrorsPedonPC.R . get_NASIS_table_key_by_name.R . get_NASIS_table_name_by_purpose.R . get_OSD.R . get_RMF_from_NASIS_db.R . get_SDA_coecoclass.R . get_SDA_cosurfmorph.R . get_SDA_hydric.R . get_SDA_interpretation.R . get_SDA_metrics.R . get_SDA_muaggatt.R . get_SDA_pmgroupname.R . get_SDA_property.R . get_SSURGO_utils.R . get_colors_from_NASIS_db.R . get_colors_from_pedon_db.R . get_component_data_from_NASIS_db.R . get_component_from_GDB.R . get_component_from_SDA.R . get_concentrations_from_NASIS_db.R . get_cosoilmoist_from_LIMS.R . get_cosoilmoist_from_NASIS.R . get_cosoilmoist_from_SDA.R . get_ecosite_history_from_NASIS_db.R . get_extended_data_from_NASIS_db.R . get_extended_data_from_pedon_db.R . get_hz_data_from_NASIS_db.R . get_hz_data_from_pedon_db.R . get_lablayer_data_from_NASIS_db.R . get_labpedon_data_from_NASIS_db.R . get_mapunit_from_NASIS.R . get_phfmp_from_NASIS_db.R . get_phlabresults_data_from_NASIS_db.R . get_projectmapunit_from_NASIS.R . get_site_data_from_NASIS_db.R . get_site_data_from_pedon_db.R . get_soilseries_from_NASIS.R . get_text_notes_from_NASIS_db.R . get_veg_data_from_NASIS_db.R . get_veg_from_AK_Site.R . get_veg_from_MT_veg_db.R . get_veg_from_NPS_PLOTS_db.R . get_veg_other_from_MT_veg_db.R . get_veg_species_from_MT_veg_db.R . get_vegplot_data_from_NASIS_db.R . mukey-WCS.R . openNASISchannel.R . parseWebReport.R . seriesExtent.R . siblings.R . simplifyArtifactData.R . simplifyColorData.R . simplifyFragmentData.R . soilColorWCS.R . soilDB-package.R . taxaExtent.R . uncode.R . utils.R . waterDayYear.R . Full soilDB package functions and examples
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