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Bayesian Mixed Models for Qualitative Individual Differences
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Maintained by
Lukas Klima
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First Published: 2021-12-09
Latest Update: 2021-12-09
Test whether equality and order constraints hold for all individuals simultaneously by comparing Bayesian mixed models through Bayes factors. A tutorial style vignette and a quickstart guide are available, via vignette("manual", "quid"), and vignette("quickstart", "quid") respectively. See Haaf and Rouder (2017) ; Haaf, Klaassen and Rouder (2019) ; and Rouder & Haaf (2021) .
How to cite:
Lukas Klima (2021). quid: Bayesian Mixed Models for Qualitative Individual Differences. R package version 0.0.1, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/quid
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