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Graph Community Detection Methods into Systematic Conservation Planning
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Maintained by
Christos Adam
[Scholar Profile | Author Map]
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First Published: 2024-08-19
Latest Update: 2024-08-19
An innovative tool-set that incorporates graph community detection methods into systematic conservation planning. It is designed to enhance spatial prioritization by focusing on the protection of areas with high ecological connectivity. Unlike traditional approaches that prioritize individual planning units, 'priorCON' focuses on clusters of features that exhibit strong ecological linkages. The 'priorCON' package is built upon the 'prioritizr' package <doi:10.32614/CRAN.package.prioritizr>, using commercial and open-source exact algorithm solvers that ensure optimal solutions to prioritization problems.
How to cite:
Christos Adam (2024). priorCON: Graph Community Detection Methods into Systematic Conservation Planning. R package version 0.1.1, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/priorCON
Previous versions and publish date:
0.1.0 (2024-08-19 10:10)
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