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Maintained by
Martin Binder
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First Published: 2013-08-30
Latest Update: 2022-09-29
Interface to a large number of classification and regression
techniques, including machine-readable parameter descriptions. There
is also an experimental extension for survival analysis, clustering
and general, example-specific cost-sensitive learning. Generic
resampling, including cross-validation, bootstrapping and subsampling.
Hyperparameter tuning with modern optimization techniques, for single-
and multi-objective problems. Filter and wrapper methods for feature
selection. Extension of basic learners with additional operations
common in machine learning, also allowing for easy nested resampling.
Most operations can be parallelized.
How to cite:
Martin Binder (2013). mlr: Machine Learning in R. R package version 2.19.2, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/mlr. Accessed 31 Jan. 2025.
Previous versions and publish date:
1.1-18 (2013-08-30 01:32), 2.0 (2014-07-04 02:25), 2.1 (2014-07-21 20:08), 2.2 (2014-10-29 07:43), 2.3 (2015-02-04 07:43), 2.4 (2015-06-13 00:40), 2.5 (2015-11-20 17:38), 2.6 (2015-11-26 08:38), 2.7 (2015-12-04 15:58), 2.8 (2016-02-13 08:37), 2.9 (2016-08-03 18:03), 2.10 (2017-02-07 10:08), 2.11 (2017-03-15 08:49), 2.12.1 (2018-03-29 12:03), 2.12 (2018-03-11 01:07), 2.13 (2018-08-28 14:30), 2.14.0 (2019-04-26 00:00), 2.15.0 (2019-08-06 17:10), 2.16.0 (2019-11-26 15:50), 2.17.0 (2020-01-10 21:00), 2.17.1 (2020-03-24 11:40), 2.18.0 (2020-10-05 12:20), 2.19.0 (2021-02-22 15:50), 2.19.1 (2022-09-29 15:30)
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Some associated functions: Aggregation . BenchmarkResult . ClassifTask . ClusterTask . ConfusionMatrix . CostSensTask . FailureModel . FeatSelControl . FeatSelResult . LearnerProperties . MeasureProperties . MultilabelTask . Prediction . RLearner . RegrTask . ResamplePrediction . ResampleResult . SurvTask . Task . TaskDesc . TuneControl . TuneMultiCritControl . TuneMultiCritResult . TuneResult . addRRMeasure . aggregations . agri.task . analyzeFeatSelResult . asROCRPrediction . batchmark . bc.task . benchmark . bh.task . cache_helpers . calculateConfusionMatrix . calculateROCMeasures . capLargeValues . changeData . checkLearner . checkPredictLearnerOutput . configureMlr . convertBMRToRankMatrix . convertMLBenchObjToTask . costiris.task . createDummyFeatures . createSpatialResamplingPlots . crossover . downsample . dropFeatures . estimateRelativeOverfitting . estimateResidualVariance . extractFDABsignal . extractFDADTWKernel . extractFDAFPCA . extractFDAFeatures . extractFDAFourier . extractFDAMultiResFeatures . extractFDATsfeatures . extractFDAWavelets . filterFeatures . friedmanPostHocTestBMR . friedmanTestBMR . fuelsubset.task . generateCalibrationData . generateCritDifferencesData . generateFeatureImportanceData . generateFilterValuesData . generateHyperParsEffectData . generateLearningCurveData . generatePartialDependenceData . generateThreshVsPerfData . getBMRAggrPerformances . getBMRFeatSelResults . getBMRFilteredFeatures . getBMRLearnerIds . getBMRLearnerShortNames . getBMRLearners . getBMRMeasureIds . getBMRMeasures . getBMRModels . getBMRPerformances . getBMRPredictions . getBMRTaskDescriptions . getBMRTaskDescs . getBMRTaskIds . getBMRTuneResults . getCaretParamSet . getClassWeightParam . getConfMatrix . getDefaultMeasure . getFailureModelDump . getFailureModelMsg . getFeatSelResult . getFeatureImportance . getFeatureImportanceLearner . getFilteredFeatures . getFunctionalFeatures . getHomogeneousEnsembleModels . getHyperPars . getLearnerId . getLearnerModel . getLearnerNote . getLearnerPackages . getLearnerParVals . getLearnerParamSet . getLearnerPredictType . getLearnerShortName . getLearnerType . getMlrOptions . getMultilabelBinaryPerformances . getNestedTuneResultsOptPathDf . getNestedTuneResultsX . getOOBPreds . getOOBPredsLearner . getParamSet . getPredictionDump . getPredictionProbabilities . getPredictionResponse . getPredictionTaskDesc . getProbabilities . getRRDump . getRRPredictionList . getRRPredictions . getRRTaskDesc . getRRTaskDescription . getResamplingIndices . getStackedBaseLearnerPredictions . getTaskClassLevels . getTaskCosts . getTaskData . getTaskDesc . getTaskDescription . getTaskFeatureNames . getTaskFormula . getTaskId . getTaskNFeats . getTaskSize . getTaskTargetNames . getTaskTargets . getTaskType . getTuneResult . getTuneResultOptPath . gunpoint.task . hasFunctionalFeatures . hasProperties . helpLearner . helpLearnerParam . imputations . impute . iris.task . isFailureModel . joinClassLevels . learnerArgsToControl . learners . listFilterEnsembleMethods . listFilterMethods . listLearnerProperties . listLearners . listMeasureProperties . listMeasures . listTaskTypes . lung.task . makeAggregation . makeBaggingWrapper . makeBaseWrapper . makeChainModel . makeClassificationViaRegressionWrapper . makeConstantClassWrapper . makeCostMeasure . makeCostSensClassifWrapper . makeCostSensRegrWrapper . makeCostSensWeightedPairsWrapper . makeCustomResampledMeasure . makeDownsampleWrapper . makeDummyFeaturesWrapper . makeExtractFDAFeatMethod . makeExtractFDAFeatsWrapper . makeFeatSelWrapper . makeFilter . makeFilterEnsemble . makeFilterWrapper . makeFixedHoldoutInstance . makeFunctionalData . makeImputeMethod . makeImputeWrapper . makeLearner . makeLearners . makeMeasure . makeModelMultiplexer . makeModelMultiplexerParamSet . makeMulticlassWrapper . makeMultilabelBinaryRelevanceWrapper . makeMultilabelClassifierChainsWrapper . makeMultilabelDBRWrapper . makeMultilabelNestedStackingWrapper . makeMultilabelStackingWrapper . makeOverBaggingWrapper . makePreprocWrapper . makePreprocWrapperCaret . makeRLearner.classif.fdausc.glm . makeRLearner.classif.fdausc.kernel . makeRLearner.classif.fdausc.np . makeRemoveConstantFeaturesWrapper . makeResampleDesc . makeResampleInstance . makeSMOTEWrapper . makeStackedLearner . makeTaskDesc . makeTaskDescInternal . makeTuneControlCMAES . makeTuneControlDesign . makeTuneControlGenSA . makeTuneControlGrid . makeTuneControlIrace . makeTuneControlMBO . makeTuneControlRandom . makeTuneWrapper . makeUndersampleWrapper . makeWeightedClassesWrapper . makeWrappedModel . measures . mergeBenchmarkResults . mergeSmallFactorLevels . mlr-package . mlrFamilies . mtcars.task . normalizeFeatures . oversample . parallelization . performance . phoneme.task . pid.task . plotBMRBoxplots . plotBMRRanksAsBarChart . plotBMRSummary . plotCalibration . plotCritDifferences . plotFilterValues . plotHyperParsEffect . plotLearnerPrediction . plotLearningCurve . plotPartialDependence . plotROCCurves . plotResiduals . plotThreshVsPerf . plotTuneMultiCritResult . predict.WrappedModel . predictLearner . reduceBatchmarkResults . reextractFDAFeatures . reimpute . removeConstantFeatures . removeHyperPars . resample . selectFeatures . setAggregation . setHyperPars . setHyperPars2 . setId . setLearnerId . setMeasurePars . setPredictThreshold . setPredictType . setThreshold . simplifyMeasureNames . smote . sonar.task . spam.task . spatial.task . subsetTask . summarizeColumns . summarizeLevels . train . trainLearner . tuneParams . tuneParamsMultiCrit . tuneThreshold . wpbc.task . yeast.task .
Some associated R codes: Aggregation.R . BaggingWrapper.R . BaseEnsemble.R . BaseEnsemble_operators.R . BaseWrapper.R . BaseWrapper_operators.R . BenchmarkResultOrderLevels.R . BenchmarkResult_operators.R . ChainModel.R . ChainModel_operators.R . ClassifTask.R . ClassificationViaRegressionWrapper.R . ClusterTask.R . ConstantClassWrapper.R . CostSensClassifWrapper.R . CostSensRegrWrapper.R . CostSensTask.R . CostSensWeightedPairsWrapper.R . DownsampleWrapper.R . DummyFeaturesWrapper.R . FailureModel.R . FeatSelControl.R . FeatSelControlExhaustive.R . FeatSelControlGA.R . FeatSelControlRandom.R . FeatSelControlSequential.R . FeatSelResult.R . FeatSelWrapper.R . Filter.R . FilterEnsemble.R . FilterWrapper.R . HoldoutInstance_make_fixed.R . HomogeneousEnsemble.R . Impute.R . ImputeMethods.R . ImputeWrapper.R . Learner.R . Learner_operators.R . Learner_properties.R . Measure.R . Measure_colAUC.R . Measure_custom_resampled.R . Measure_make_cost.R . Measure_operators.R . Measure_properties.R . ModelMultiplexer.R . ModelMultiplexerParamSet.R . MulticlassWrapper.R . MultilabelBinaryRelevanceWrapper.R . MultilabelClassifierChainsWrapper.R . MultilabelDBRWrapper.R . MultilabelNestedStackingWrapper.R . MultilabelStackingWrapper.R . MultilabelTask.R . NoFeaturesModel.R . OptControl.R . OptResult.R . OptWrapper.R . OverBaggingWrapper.R . OverUnderSampling.R . OverUndersampleWrapper.R . Prediction.R . Prediction_operators.R . PreprocWrapper.R . PreprocWrapperCaret.R . RLearner.R . RLearner_classif_C50.R . RLearner_classif_FDboost.R . RLearner_classif_IBk.R . RLearner_classif_J48.R . RLearner_classif_JRip.R . RLearner_classif_LiblineaRL1L2SVC.R . RLearner_classif_LiblineaRL1LogReg.R . RLearner_classif_LiblineaRL2L1SVC.R . RLearner_classif_LiblineaRL2LogReg.R . RLearner_classif_LiblineaRL2SVC.R . RLearner_classif_LiblineaRMultiClassSVC.R . RLearner_classif_OneR.R . RLearner_classif_PART.R . RLearner_classif_RRF.R . RLearner_classif_ada.R . RLearner_classif_adaboostm1.R . RLearner_classif_bartMachine.R . RLearner_classif_binomial.R . RLearner_classif_boosting.R . RLearner_classif_bst.R . RLearner_classif_cforest.R . RLearner_classif_clusterSVM.R . RLearner_classif_ctree.R . RLearner_classif_cvglmnet.R . RLearner_classif_dbnDNN.R . RLearner_classif_dcSVM.R . RLearner_classif_earth.R . RLearner_classif_evtree.R . RLearner_classif_fdausc.glm.R . RLearner_classif_fdausc.kernel.R . RLearner_classif_fdausc.knn.R . RLearner_classif_fdausc.np.R . RLearner_classif_featureless.R . RLearner_classif_fgam.R . RLearner_classif_fnn.R . RLearner_classif_gamboost.R . RLearner_classif_gaterSVM.R . RLearner_classif_gausspr.R . RLearner_classif_gbm.R . RLearner_classif_glmboost.R . RLearner_classif_glmnet.R . RLearner_classif_h2odeeplearning.R . RLearner_classif_h2ogbm.R . RLearner_classif_h2oglm.R . RLearner_classif_h2orandomForest.R . RLearner_classif_kknn.R . RLearner_classif_knn.R . RLearner_classif_ksvm.R . RLearner_classif_lda.R . RLearner_classif_logreg.R . RLearner_classif_lssvm.R . RLearner_classif_lvq1.R . RLearner_classif_mda.R . RLearner_classif_mlp.R . RLearner_classif_multinom.R . RLearner_classif_naiveBayes.R . RLearner_classif_neuralnet.R . RLearner_classif_nnTrain.R . RLearner_classif_nnet.R . RLearner_classif_pamr.R . RLearner_classif_penalized.R . RLearner_classif_plr.R . RLearner_classif_plsdaCaret.R . RLearner_classif_probit.R . RLearner_classif_qda.R . RLearner_classif_rFerns.R . RLearner_classif_randomForest.R . RLearner_classif_ranger.R . RLearner_classif_rda.R . RLearner_classif_rotationForest.R . RLearner_classif_rpart.R . RLearner_classif_saeDNN.R . RLearner_classif_sda.R . RLearner_classif_sparseLDA.R . RLearner_classif_svm.R . RLearner_classif_xgboost.R . RLearner_cluster_Cobweb.R . RLearner_cluster_EM.R . RLearner_cluster_FarthestFirst.R . RLearner_cluster_MiniBatchKmeans.R . RLearner_cluster_SimpleKMeans.R . RLearner_cluster_XMeans.R . RLearner_cluster_cmeans.R . RLearner_cluster_dbscan.R . RLearner_cluster_kkmeans.R . RLearner_cluster_kmeans.R . RLearner_multilabel_cforest.R . RLearner_multilabel_rFerns.R . RLearner_regr_FDboost.R . RLearner_regr_GPfit.R . RLearner_regr_IBk.R . RLearner_regr_LiblineaRL2L1SVR.R . RLearner_regr_LiblineaRL2L2SVR.R . RLearner_regr_RRF.R . RLearner_regr_bartMachine.R . RLearner_regr_bcart.R . RLearner_regr_bgp.R . RLearner_regr_bgpllm.R . RLearner_regr_blm.R . RLearner_regr_brnn.R . RLearner_regr_bst.R . RLearner_regr_btgp.R . RLearner_regr_btgpllm.R . RLearner_regr_btlm.R . RLearner_regr_cforest.R . RLearner_regr_crs.R . RLearner_regr_ctree.R . RLearner_regr_cubist.R . RLearner_regr_cvglmnet.R . RLearner_regr_earth.R . RLearner_regr_evtree.R . RLearner_regr_featureless.R . RLearner_regr_fgam.R . RLearner_regr_fnn.R . RLearner_regr_frbs.R . RLearner_regr_gamboost.R . RLearner_regr_gausspr.R . RLearner_regr_gbm.R . RLearner_regr_glm.R . RLearner_regr_glmboost.R . RLearner_regr_glmnet.R . RLearner_regr_h2odeeplearning.R . RLearner_regr_h2ogbm.R . RLearner_regr_h2oglm.R . RLearner_regr_h2orandomForest.R . RLearner_regr_kknn.R . RLearner_regr_km.R . RLearner_regr_ksvm.R . RLearner_regr_laGP.R . RLearner_regr_lm.R . RLearner_regr_mars.R . RLearner_regr_mob.R . RLearner_regr_nnet.R . RLearner_regr_pcr.R . RLearner_regr_penalized.R . RLearner_regr_plsr.R . RLearner_regr_randomForest.R . RLearner_regr_ranger.R . RLearner_regr_rpart.R . RLearner_regr_rsm.R . RLearner_regr_rvm.R . RLearner_regr_svm.R . RLearner_regr_xgboost.R . RLearner_surv_cforest.R . RLearner_surv_coxph.R . RLearner_surv_cvglmnet.R . RLearner_surv_gamboost.R . RLearner_surv_gbm.R . RLearner_surv_glmboost.R . RLearner_surv_glmnet.R . RLearner_surv_ranger.R . RLearner_surv_rpart.R . RegrTask.R . RemoveConstantFeaturesWrapper.R . ResampleDesc.R . ResampleInstance.R . ResampleInstances.R . ResamplePrediction.R . ResampleResult.R . ResampleResult_operators.R . SMOTEWrapper.R . StackedLearner.R . SupervisedTask.R . SurvTask.R . Task.R . TaskDesc.R . Task_operators.R . TuneControl.R . TuneControlCMAES.R . TuneControlDesign.R . TuneControlGenSA.R . TuneControlGrid.R . TuneControlIrace.R . TuneControlMBO.R . TuneControlRandom.R . TuneMultiCritControl.R . TuneMultiCritControlGrid.R . TuneMultiCritControlMBO.R . TuneMultiCritControlNSGA2.R . TuneMultiCritControlRandom.R . TuneMultiCritResult.R . TuneResult.R . TuneWrapper.R . UnsupervisedTask.R . WeightedClassesWrapper.R . WrappedModel.R . aggregations.R . analyzeFeatSelResult.R . asROCRPrediction.R . batchmark.R . benchmark.R . benchmark_helpers.R . cache_helpers.R . calculateConfusionMatrix.R . calculateROCMeasures.R . capLargeValues.R . checkAggrBeforeResample.R . checkBMRMeasure.R . checkLearner.R . checkLearnerBeforeTrain.R . checkMeasures.R . checkPrediction.R . checkTargetPreproc.R . checkTask.R . checkTaskSubset.R . checkTunerParset.R . configureMlr.R . convertBMRToRankMatrix.R . convertMLBenchObjToTask.R . convertX.R . createDummyFeatures.R . createSpatialResamplingPlots.R . crossover.R . datasets.R . downsample.R . dropFeatures.R . estimateResidualVariance.R . evalOptimizationState.R . extractFDAFeatures.R . extractFDAFeaturesMethods.R . extractFDAFeaturesWrapper.R . filterFeatures.R . fixDataForLearner.R . friedmanPostHocTestBMR.R . friedmanTestBMR.R . generateCalibration.R . generateFeatureImportance.R . generateFilterValues.R . generateHyperParsEffect.R . generateLearningCurve.R . generatePartialDependence.R . generateThreshVsPerf.R . getCaretParamSet.R . getClassWeightParam.R . getConfMatrix.R . getFeatSelResult.R . getFeatureImportance.R . getFunctionalFeatures.R . getHyperPars.R . getMultilabelBinaryPerformances.R . getNestedTuneResults.R . getOOBPreds.R . getParamSet.R . getResampleExtract.R . getResamplingIndices.R . getTaskConstructorForLearner.R . getTuneResult.R . getTuneThresholdExtra.R . hasFunctionalFeatures.R . helpLearner.R . helpers.R . helpers_FDGAMBoost.R . helpers_fda.R . joinClassLevels.R . learnerArgsToControl.R . learners.R . listLearners.R . listMeasures.R . logFunOpt.R . makeFunctionalData.R . makeLearner.R . makeLearners.R . measures.R . mergeBenchmarkResults.R . mergeSmallFactorLevels.R . mutateBits.R . normalizeFeatures.R . options.R . parallelization.R . performance.R . plotBMRBoxplots.R . plotBMRRanksAsBarChart.R . plotBMRSummary.R . plotCritDifferences.R . plotLearnerPrediction.R . plotResiduals.R . plotTuneMultiCritResult.R . predict.R . predictLearner.R . relativeOverfitting.R . removeConstantFeatures.R . removeHyperPars.R . resample.R . resample_convenience.R . selectFeatures.R . selectFeaturesExhaustive.R . selectFeaturesGA.R . selectFeaturesRandom.R . selectFeaturesSequential.R . setHyperPars.R . setId.R . setPredictThreshold.R . setPredictType.R . setThreshold.R . simplifyMeasureNames.R . smote.R . summarizeColumns.R . summarizeLevels.R . train.R . trainLearner.R . tuneCMAES.R . tuneDesign.R . tuneGenSA.R . tuneGrid.R . tuneIrace.R . tuneMBO.R . tuneMultiCritGrid.R . tuneMultiCritNSGA2.R . tuneMultiCritRandom.R . tuneParams.R . tuneParamsMultiCrit.R . tuneRandom.R . tuneThreshold.R . tunerFitnFun.R . utils.R . utils_imbalancy.R . utils_opt.R . utils_plot.R . zzz.R . 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