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Advanced Tables for Markdown/HTML
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Maintained by
Max Gordon
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First Published: 2014-12-21
Latest Update: 2023-10-29
Tables with state-of-the-art layout elements such as row spanners, column spanners, table spanners, zebra striping, and more. While allowing advanced layout, the underlying css-structure is simple in order to maximize compatibility with common word processors. The package also contains a few text formatting functions that help outputting text compatible with HTML/LaTeX.
How to cite:
Max Gordon (2014). htmlTable: Advanced Tables for Markdown/HTML. R package version 2.4.2, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/htmlTable
Previous versions and publish date:
1.0 (2014-12-21 07:02), 1.1 (2015-02-07 13:17), 1.2 (2015-03-04 00:24), 1.3 (2015-04-21 16:23), 1.5 (2016-01-18 22:22), 1.6 (2016-07-24 16:18), 1.7 (2016-10-19 13:07), 1.8 (2017-01-03 17:06), 1.9 (2017-01-26 12:08), 1.11.0 (2017-12-02 00:31), 1.11.1 (2017-12-27 16:03), 1.11.2 (2018-01-20 16:30), 1.12 (2018-05-27 00:01), 1.13.1 (2019-01-07 22:40), 1.13.2 (2019-09-22 15:00), 1.13.3 (2019-12-04 23:20), 1.13 (2019-01-02 17:20), 2.0.0 (2020-06-21 15:00), 2.0.1 (2020-07-05 23:00), 2.1.0 (2020-09-16 23:10), 2.2.1 (2021-05-18 13:10), 2.3.0 (2021-10-12 18:20), 2.4.0 (2022-01-04 22:20), 2.4.1 (2022-07-07 23:40)
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Functions, R codes and Examples using the htmlTable R package
Some associated functions: SCB . addStyles . concatHtmlTables . getHtmlTableStyle . getHtmlTableTheme . hasHtmlTableStyle . htmlTable . htmlTableWidget-shiny . htmlTableWidget . innerJoinByCommonCols . interactiveTable . outputInt . prAddCells . prAddEmptySpacerCell . prAddSemicolon2StrEnd . prAttr4RgroupAdd . prBindDataListIntoColumns . prConvertDfFactors . prEscapeHtml . prExtractElementsAndConvertToTbl . prGetAlign . prGetCgroupHeader . prGetRgroupLine . prGetRowlabelPos . prGetScriptString . prGetStyle . prGetThead . prIsNotebook . prMergeClr . prPrepInputMatrixDimensions . prPrepareAlign . prPrepareCgroup . prPrepareColors . prPrepareCss . prSkipRownames . prTblNo . prepGroupCounts . pvalueFormatter . setHtmlTableTheme . splitLines4Table . tblNoLast . tblNoNext . tidyHtmlTable . txtInt . txtMergeLines . txtPval . txtRound . vector2string . 
Some associated R codes: concatHtmlTables.R . data-SCB.R . deprecated.R . htmlTable.R . htmlTableWidget.R . htmlTable_helpers_addSemicolon2StrEnd.R . htmlTable_helpers_attr4RgroupAdd.R . htmlTable_helpers_convertDfFactors.R . htmlTable_helpers_escapeHtml.R . htmlTable_helpers_getAlign.R . htmlTable_helpers_getRowlabelPos.R . htmlTable_helpers_getStyle.R . htmlTable_helpers_isNotebook.R . htmlTable_helpers_mergeClr.R . htmlTable_helpers_prepInputMatrixDimensions.R . htmlTable_helpers_prepareAlign.R . htmlTable_helpers_prepareCgroup.R . htmlTable_helpers_prepareColors.R . htmlTable_helpers_prepareCss.R . htmlTable_helpers_skipRownames.R . htmlTable_helpers_tblNo.R . htmlTable_render_addCells.R . htmlTable_render_getCgroupHeader.R . htmlTable_render_getRgroupLine.R . htmlTable_render_getThead.R . htmlTable_render_knit_print.R . htmlTable_render_prAddEmptySpacerCell.R . htmlTable_render_print.R . htmlTable_style_assertions.R . htmlTable_style_handlers.R . htmlTable_theme.R . interactiveTable.R . prepGroupCounts.R . tblNo.R . tidyHtmlTable.R . tidyHtmlTable_helpers_extractElementsAndConvertToTbl.R . tidyHtmlTable_helpers_getColTbl.R . tidyHtmlTable_helpers_prAssertAndRetrieveValue.R . tidyHtmlTable_helpers_safeLoadPkg.R . tidyHtmlTable_helpers_simplify_arg_list.R . txtFrmt.R . txtFrmt_round.R . txtFrmt_round_data.frame.R . vector2string.R .  Full htmlTable package functions and examples
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