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'Shiny' Extension of 'howler.js'
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install_version("howler", "0.3.0")

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Maintained by
Ashley Baldry
[Scholar Profile | Author Map]
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First Published: 2022-07-21
Latest Update: 2022-10-06
Audio interactivity within 'shiny' applications using 'howler.js'. Enables the status of the audio player to be sent from the UI to the server, and events such as playing and pausing the audio can be triggered from the server.
How to cite:
Ashley Baldry (2022). howler: 'Shiny' Extension of 'howler.js'. R package version 0.3.0, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/howler
Previous versions and publish date:
0.2.0 (2022-07-21 19:50), 0.2.1 (2022-10-06 20:30)
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Functions, R codes and Examples using the howler R package
Some associated functions: examples . howler-shiny . howler . howlerButton . howlerModule . howlerSeekSlider . howlerServer . howlerVolumeSlider . howler_meta . 
Some associated R codes: button.R . example.R . howler.R . meta.R . module.R . server-side.R . slider.R .  Full howler package functions and examples
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