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Interface to the 'HDF5' Binary Data Format
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Maintained by
Holger Hoefling
[Scholar Profile | Author Map]
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First Published: 2017-10-25
Latest Update: 2024-03-02
'HDF5' is a data model, library and file format for storing and managing large amounts of data. This package provides a nearly feature complete, object oriented wrapper for the 'HDF5' API using R6 classes. Additionally, functionality is added so that 'HDF5' objects behave very similar to their corresponding R counterparts.
How to cite:
Holger Hoefling (2017). hdf5r: Interface to the 'HDF5' Binary Data Format. R package version 1.3.10, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/hdf5r
Previous versions and publish date:
1.0.0 (2017-10-25 11:45), 1.0.1 (2018-10-08 00:20), 1.1.1 (2019-03-26 13:50), 1.2.0 (2019-04-20 18:00), 1.3.0 (2019-10-06 18:00), 1.3.1 (2020-01-10 18:50), 1.3.2 (2020-03-25 16:00), 1.3.3 (2020-08-18 09:02), 1.3.4 (2021-08-25 16:00), 1.3.5 (2021-11-15 21:10), 1.3.6 (2022-09-18 22:26), 1.3.7 (2022-10-03 11:50), 1.3.8 (2023-01-21 17:10), 1.3.9 (2024-01-14 18:20), 1.3.10 (2024-03-02 22:50)
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Functions, R codes and Examples using the hdf5r R package
Some associated functions: H5A-class . H5D-class . H5File-class . H5File.open . H5GTD_factory . H5Group-class . H5Group_access . H5P-class . H5P_ATTRIBUTE_CREATE-class . H5P_CLASS-class . H5P_DATASET_ACCESS-class . H5P_DATASET_CREATE-class . H5P_DATASET_XFER-class . H5P_DEFAULT-class . H5P_FILE_ACCESS-class . H5P_FILE_CREATE-class . H5P_LINK_ACCESS-class . H5P_LINK_CREATE-class . H5P_OBJECT_COPY-class . H5P_OBJECT_CREATE-class . H5P_factory . H5R-class . H5R_DATASET_REGION-class . H5R_OBJECT-class . H5R_functions . H5RefClass-class . H5S-class . H5S_ALL-class . H5S_H5D_subset_assign . H5T-class . H5T_ARRAY-class . H5T_COMPLEX-class . H5T_COMPOUND-class . H5T_ENUM-class . H5T_FLOAT-class . H5T_INTEGER-class . H5T_LOGICAL-class . H5T_STRING-class . H5T_VLEN-class . H5T_extractID . H5T_factory . H5_close_any . RToH5 . apply_selection . are_args_scalar . args_regularity_evaluation . array_counter . array_reorder . as_hex . check_arg_for_hyperslab_func . clean_ls_df . convertRoundTrip . create_empty . do_reshuffle . equal_id_check . expand_point_grid . extract_dim . factor_ext . factor_ext_functions . flatten_df . get_id . guess_chunks . guess_dtype . guess_space . h5-wrapper . h5attributes . h5const . h5garbage_collect . h5types . h5version . hdf5r-package . hyperslab_to_points . is_hdf5 . list-groups-datasets . match.call.withDef . names.H5Group . print.data.frame_ext . print_attributes . print_class_id . print_listing . regularity_eval_to_selection . standalone_H5D_get_type . standalone_H5S_select_multiple_hyperslab . text_to_dtype . types_env_access . 
Some associated R codes: Common_functions.R . Compound.R . H5constants.R . Helper_functions.R . Misc.R . R6Classes.R . R6Classes_H5A.R . R6Classes_H5D.R . R6Classes_H5File.R . R6Classes_H5Group.R . R6Classes_H5P.R . R6Classes_H5R.R . R6Classes_H5S.R . R6Classes_H5T.R . adapt_during_onLoad.R . convert.R . factor_ext.R . globalVariables.R . h5errorHandling.R . h5wrapper.R . hdf5r.R . high_level_UI.R . open_objs.R . zzz.R .  Full hdf5r package functions and examples
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