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Maintained by
Vicente Garcia Diaz
[Scholar Profile | Author Map]
[Scholar Profile | Author Map]
First Published: 2019-01-08
Latest Update: 2023-03-29
Full access to the Geth command line interface for running full Ethereum nodes. With
gethr it is possible to carry out different tasks such as mine ether, transfer funds, create
contacts, explore block history, etc. The package also provides access to all the available APIs.
The officially exposed by Ethereum blockchains (eth, shh, web3, net) and some provided directly
by Geth (admin, debug, miner, personal, txpool). For more details on Ethereum, access the project
website . For more details on the Geth client, access the project
website .
How to cite:
Vicente Garcia Diaz (2019). gethr: Access to Ethereum-Based Blockchains Through Geth Nodes. R package version 0.1.0, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gethr. Accessed 28 Mar. 2025.
Previous versions and publish date:
0.1.0 (2019-01-08 19:00)
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Functions, R codes and Examples using
the gethr R package
Some associated functions: admin_addPeer . admin_datadir . admin_nodeInfo . admin_peers . admin_setSolc . admin_startRPC . admin_startWS . admin_stopRPC . admin_stopWS . debug_backtraceAt . debug_blockProfile . debug_cpuProfile . debug_dumpBlock . debug_gcStats . debug_getBlockRlp . debug_goTrace . debug_memStats . debug_seedHash . debug_setBlockProfileRate . debug_setHead . debug_stacks . debug_startCPUProfile . debug_startGoTrace . debug_stopCPUProfile . debug_stopGoTrace . debug_traceBlock . debug_traceBlockByHash . debug_traceBlockByNumber . debug_traceBlockFromFile . debug_traceTransaction . debug_verbosity . debug_vmodule . debug_writeBlockProfile . debug_writeMemProfile . dec_to_hex . eth_accounts . eth_blockNumber . eth_call . eth_coinbase . eth_estimateGas . eth_gasPrice . eth_getBalance . eth_getBlockByHash . eth_getBlockByNumber . eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash . eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber . eth_getCode . eth_getFilterChanges . eth_getFilterLogs . eth_getLogs . eth_getProof . eth_getStorageAt . eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex . eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex . eth_getTransactionByHash . eth_getTransactionCount . eth_getTransactionReceipt . eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex . eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex . eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash . eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber . eth_getWork . eth_hashrate . eth_mining . eth_newBlockFilter . eth_newFilter . eth_newPendingTransactionFilter . eth_protocolVersion . eth_sendRawTransaction . eth_sendTransaction . eth_sign . eth_submitHashrate . eth_submitWork . eth_syncing . eth_uninstallFilter . ether.toEther . ether.toFinney . ether.toGether . ether.toGwei . ether.toKether . ether.toKwei . ether.toMether . ether.toMwei . ether.toSzabo . ether.toTether . ether.toWei . get_network_id . get_post . get_rpc_address . gethr . hex_to_dec . hex_to_text . is.wholenumber . miner_setEtherBase . miner_setExtra . miner_setGasPrice . miner_start . miner_stop . net_listening . net_peerCount . net_version . personal_ecRecover . personal_importRawKey . personal_listAccounts . personal_lockAccount . personal_newAccount . personal_sendTransaction . personal_sign . personal_unlockAccount . process_block . process_log . process_receipt . process_transaction . set_network_id . set_rpc_address . shh_addPrivatekey . shh_addSymKey . shh_deleteKeyPair . shh_deleteSymKey . shh_generateSymKeyFromPassword . shh_getPrivateKey . shh_getPublicKey . shh_getSymKey . shh_hasKeyPair . shh_hasSymKey . shh_info . shh_markTrustedPeer . shh_newKeyPair . shh_newMessageFilter . shh_newSymKey . shh_post . shh_setMaxMessageSize . shh_setMinPoW . shh_version . text_to_hex . txpool_content . txpool_inspect . txpool_status . web3_clientVersion . web3_sha3 .
Some associated R codes: admin.R . debug.R . eth.R . ether.R . gethr.R . miner.R . net.R . personal.R . shh.R . txpool.R . utils.R . web3.R . www.R . zzz.R . Full gethr package functions and examples
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