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Maintained by
Jong Hee Park
[Scholar Profile | Author Map]
[Scholar Profile | Author Map]
All associated links for this package
10.32614/CRAN.package.MCMCpack . https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=MCMCpack . MCMCpack citation info . MCMCpack results . MCMCpack.pdf . MCMCpack_1.7-1.tar.gz . MCMCpack_1.7-1.zip . MCMCpack_1.7-1.zip . MCMCpack_1.7-1.zip . MCMCpack_1.7-1.tgz . MCMCpack_1.7-1.tgz . MCMCpack_1.7-1.tgz . MCMCpack_1.7-1.tgz . MCMCpack_1.7-1.tgz . MCMCpack_1.7-1.tgz . MCMCpack archive . https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=MCMCpack .
First Published: 2003-02-21
Latest Update: 2022-04-13
Contains functions to perform Bayesian
inference using posterior simulation for a number of
statistical models. Most simulation is done in compiled C++
written in the Scythe Statistical Library Version 1.0.3. All
models return 'coda' mcmc objects that can then be summarized
using the 'coda' package. Some useful
utility functions such as density functions,
pseudo-random number generators for statistical
distributions, a general purpose Metropolis sampling algorithm,
and tools for visualization are provided.
How to cite:
Jong Hee Park (2003). MCMCpack: Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Package. R package version 1.7-1, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/MCMCpack. Accessed 17 Mar. 2025.
Previous versions and publish date:
0.3-10 (2003-02-21 18:07), 0.3-11 (2003-03-20 21:30), 0.4-1 (2003-06-11 21:18), 0.4-2 (2003-07-24 10:09), 0.4-3 (2003-09-12 22:24), 0.4-4 (2003-11-15 22:29), 0.4-5 (2003-11-18 20:16), 0.4-6 (2003-11-24 00:49), 0.4-7 (2004-02-05 09:20), 0.4-8 (2004-02-17 00:32), 0.4-9 (2004-07-04 16:23), 0.5-1 (2004-08-05 10:47), 0.5-2 (2004-12-27 13:49), 0.6-1 (2005-02-21 09:20), 0.6-2 (2005-03-09 21:40), 0.6-3 (2005-03-15 13:22), 0.6-4 (2005-03-17 17:11), 0.6-5 (2005-06-30 08:35), 0.6-6 (2005-11-15 09:26), 0.7-1 (2006-01-28 22:26), 0.7-2 (2006-05-30 09:58), 0.7-3 (2006-09-18 10:06), 0.7-4 (2006-09-29 23:41), 0.8-1 (2007-01-12 09:28), 0.8-2 (2007-04-24 14:18), 0.9-1 (2007-08-25 18:46), 0.9-2 (2007-10-03 09:45), 0.9-3 (2007-10-17 09:18), 0.9-4 (2008-03-03 19:52), 0.9-5 (2008-12-05 09:54), 0.9-6 (2009-02-17 20:23), 1.0-1 (2009-07-01 14:02), 1.0-2 (2009-07-18 17:22), 1.0-3 (2009-07-30 14:51), 1.0-4 (2009-09-08 07:05), 1.0-5 (2009-11-29 18:23), 1.0-6 (2010-05-11 20:43), 1.0-7 (2010-06-04 23:33), 1.0-8 (2010-10-19 18:30), 1.0-9 (2011-01-31 19:50), 1.0-10 (2011-02-28 10:28), 1.0-11 (2011-04-26 17:12), 1.1-1 (2011-07-23 15:02), 1.1-3 (2011-09-10 08:16), 1.1-4 (2011-09-26 16:24), 1.1-5 (2011-10-24 16:40), 1.2-1 (2011-11-14 20:01), 1.2-2 (2012-03-03 07:49), 1.2-3 (2012-04-16 08:09), 1.2-4.1 (2013-04-07 00:05), 1.2-4 (2012-06-14 12:36), 1.3-1 (2013-04-17 07:58), 1.3-2 (2013-04-19 19:53), 1.3-3 (2013-05-01 07:02), 1.3-4 (2016-02-11 08:27), 1.3-5 (2016-03-11 11:35), 1.3-6 (2016-04-15 08:32), 1.3-7 (2016-08-21 10:55), 1.3-8 (2016-10-27 11:17), 1.3-9 (2017-01-26 20:46), 1.4-0 (2017-06-05 20:19), 1.4-1 (2017-12-05 13:58), 1.4-2 (2018-01-21 20:10), 1.4-3 (2018-05-15 09:54), 1.4-4 (2018-09-14 07:30), 1.4-5 (2019-12-01 13:50), 1.4-6 (2020-02-13 08:10), 1.4-7 (2020-05-08 08:00), 1.4-8 (2020-05-31 23:30), 1.4-9 (2020-08-02 19:30), 1.5-0 (2021-01-20 12:50), 1.6-0 (2021-10-06 07:40), 1.6-1 (2022-03-03 13:20), 1.6-2 (2022-03-31 01:30), 1.6-3 (2022-04-13 13:12), 1.7-0 (2024-01-18 16:20)
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Functions, R codes and Examples using
the MCMCpack R package
Some associated functions: BayesFactor . Dirichlet . Euro2016 . HDPHMMnegbin . HDPHMMpoisson . HDPHSMMnegbin . HMMpanelFE . HMMpanelRE . InvGamma . InvWishart . MCMCSVDreg . MCMCbinaryChange . MCMCdynamicEI . MCMCdynamicIRT1d . MCMCfactanal . MCMChierEI . MCMChlogit . MCMChpoisson . MCMChregress . MCMCirt1d . MCMCirtHier1d . MCMCirtKd . MCMCirtKdRob . MCMClogit . MCMCmetrop1R . MCMCmixfactanal . MCMCmnl . MCMCnegbin . MCMCnegbinChange . MCMCoprobit . MCMCoprobitChange . MCMCordfactanal . MCMCpaircompare . MCMCpaircompare2d . MCMCpaircompare2dDP . MCMCpoisson . MCMCpoissonChange . MCMCprobit . MCMCprobitChange . MCMCquantreg . MCMCregress . MCMCregressChange . MCMCresidualBreakAnalysis . MCMCtobit . MCbinomialbeta . MCmultinomdirichlet . MCnormalnormal . MCpoissongamma . Nethvote . NoncenHypergeom . PErisk . PostProbMod . Rehnquist . SSVSquantreg . Senate . SupremeCourt . Wishart . choicevar . dtomogplot . make.breaklist . mptable . plot.qrssvs . plotChangepoint . plotHDPChangepoint . plotState . procrustes . read.Scythe . summaryqrssvs . testpanelGroupBreak . testpanelSubjectBreak . tomogplot . topmodels . vech . write.Scythe . xpnd .
Some associated R codes: BayesFactors.R . HDPHMMnegbin.R . HDPHMMpoisson.R . HDPHSMMnegbin.R . HMMpanelFE.R . HMMpanelRE.R . MCMCSVDreg.R . MCMCbinaryChange.R . MCMCdynamicEI.R . MCMCdynamicIRT1d-b.R . MCMCdynamicIRT1d.R . MCMCfactanal.R . MCMChierBetaBinom.R . MCMChierEI.R . MCMChlogit.R . MCMChpoisson.R . MCMChregress.R . MCMCirt1d.R . MCMCirtHier1d.R . MCMCirtKd.R . MCMCirtKdRob.R . MCMClogit.R . MCMCmetrop1R.R . MCMCmixfactanal.R . MCMCmnl.R . MCMCnegbin.R . MCMCnegbinChange.R . MCMCoprobit.R . MCMCoprobitChange.R . MCMCordfactanal.R . MCMCpack-package.R . MCMCpaircompare.R . MCMCpaircompare2d.R . MCMCpaircompare2dDP.R . MCMCpoisson.R . MCMCpoissonChange.R . MCMCprobit.R . MCMCprobitChange.R . MCMCquantreg.R . MCMCregress.R . MCMCregressChange.R . MCMCresidualBreakAnalysis.R . MCMCtobit.R . MCmodels.R . SSVSquantreg.R . SSVSquantregsummary.R . automate.R . btsutil.R . data.R . distn.R . hdp-utils.R . hidden-hmodels.R . hidden.R . make.breaklist.R . procrust.R . scythe.R . testpanelGroupBreak.R . testpanelSubjectBreak.R . tomog.R . utility.R . zzz.R . Full MCMCpack package functions and examples
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