##' Read ASCII (.txt) files exported by Horiba's Labspec software (LabRAM spectrometers) ##' ##' \code{read.txt.Horiba.xy} reads maps, i.e. .txt files where the first two columns give x and y coordinates. ##' ##' @title Import Horiba Labspec exported ASCII files ##' @param file connection (file name and path) to the .txt file ##' @param cols,header,sep,row.names,check.names,... further parameters are handed over to \code{\link[hyperSpec]{read.txt.wide}} ##' @rdname read.txt.Horiba ##' @author C. Beleites ##' @return hyperSpec object ##' @export read.txt.Horiba <- function (file, cols = c (spc = "I / a.u.", .wavelength = expression (Delta*tilde(nu) / cm^-1)), header = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names = NULL, check.names = FALSE, ...){ spc <- read.txt.wide (file, cols = cols, header = header, sep = sep, row.names = row.names, check.names = check.names, ...) ## consistent file import behaviour across import functions ## is already provided by read.txt.wide spc } ##' @rdname read.txt.Horiba ##' @export read.txt.Horiba.xy <- function (file, ...){ read.txt.Horiba (file = file, cols = c (x = expression (x / mu*m), y = expression (y / mu*m), spc = "I / a.u.", .wavelength = expression (Delta*tilde(nu) / cm^-1)), ...) } ##' \code{read.txt.Horiba.t} reads time series, i.e. .txt files with the time in the first column ##' @rdname read.txt.Horiba ##' @export read.txt.Horiba.t <- function (file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names = NULL, check.names = FALSE, ...){ read.txt.Horiba (file, cols = c (t = "t / s", spc = "I / a.u.", .wavelength = expression (Delta*tilde(nu) / cm^-1)), ...) }