<- function(rwl, d2pith = NULL) { if(! stop("'rwl' must be a data.frame") if(!is.null(d2pith)) { if(ncol(rwl) != nrow(d2pith)) stop("dimension problem: ", "'ncol(rw)' != 'nrow(d2pith)'") if(!all(d2pith[, 1] == names(rwl))){ print(data.frame(rwlNames=names(rwl),seriesID=d2pith[,1],test=d2pith[, 1] == names(rwl))) stop("series ids in 'd2pith' and 'rwl' do not match exactly.") } if(!{ stop("'d2pith' must be a data.frame") } d2pith.vec <- d2pith[, 2] } else { ## distance offset if not given d2pith.vec <- rep(0, ncol(rwl)) } out <- rwl ## vector of years n.vec <- seq_len(nrow(rwl)) for(i in seq_len(ncol(rwl))){ ## series to work with dat <- rwl[[i]] ## strip out data from NA dat2 <- na.omit(dat) ## get ring area bai <- pi*dat2*(dat2+2*(cumsum(dat2) + d2pith.vec[i] - dat2)) ## find NA / not NA locations na <- attributes(dat2)$na.action <- n.vec[!n.vec %in% na] ## write result out[, i] <- bai } ## return result out }