my.html.product <- function(x) { # # VALUE HTML code for the product of matrx elements that constitute a line of the determinant. # # INPUT x Matrix from a detguide. x is px2 or px3, depending on whether there is no exponent or there is dimx <- dim(x) p <- dimx[1] out <- NULL for(n in 1:p){ if(dimx[2]==2){ out <- paste(out, my.html.element(i=x[n,1], j=x[n,2], p=p), sep="") }else{ if(x[n,3] > 0){ # skip element if exponent = 0 and leave exponent blank if exponent = 1 if( x[n,3]==1){ out <- paste(out, my.html.element(i=x[n,1], j=x[n,2], k=NULL, p=p), sep="") }else{ out <- paste(out, my.html.element(i=x[n,1], j=x[n,2], k=x[n,3], p=p), sep="") } } # if } # else } # for 1:p out }