setMethod("as.list", "structure.list", function(x, ...) { return(attr(x,"structures")) } ) setAs("list", "structure.list", function(from) { struct.list.combined <- new("structure.list") lapply(from, function (struct.list) { struct.list.combined <<- c(struct.list.combined, struct.list) }) return(struct.list.combined) } ) setMethod("lapply", "structure.list", function (X, FUN, ...) { X <- as.list(X) .Internal(lapply(X, FUN)) } ) setMethod("length", "structure.list", function (x) { return(length(attr(x,"structures"))) } ) setMethod("[", "structure.list", function (x, i, ...) { if (missing(i) || (length(i) < 1) || all( { return(new("structure.list")) } if (all(is.logical(i))) { x <- attr(x,"structures") return(new("structure.list", x[i])) } if (suppressWarnings(all(! { x <- attr(x,"structures") return(new("structure.list", x[as.numeric(i)])) } if (length(i) == 1) { names.x <- names(x) x <- attr(x,"structures") if (grepl("(\\*|\\^|\\$|\\?|\\+|[[]|[{]|\\|)", i)) { return(new("structure.list", x[grep(i, names.x)])) } else if (is.character(i)) { return(new("structure.list", x[which(names.x == i)])) } else if (is.logical(i)) { return(new("structure.list", x[i])) } else if (suppressWarnings(! { return(new("structure.list", x[as.numeric(i)])) } else { return(new("structure.list", x[i])) } } return(c(x[i[1]], x[i[2:length(i)]])) } ) setMethod("$", "structure.list", function (x, name) { name <- unlist(strsplit(name, ",")) return(lapply(x, function (struct) { struct[name] })) } ) setMethod("[[", "structure.list", function (x, i, exact=TRUE) { x <- attr(x,"structures") return(x[[i]]) } ) setMethod("[[<-", "structure.list", function (x, i, value) { x <- attr(x,"structures") if (inherits(value,"structure3D")) { x[[i]] <- value } else { stop("'value' must be an object of class 'structure3D'") } return(new("structure.list", x)) } ) setMethod("c", "structure.list", function (x, ..., recursive = FALSE) { return(new("structure.list", c(as.list(x), as.list(c(... , recursive=FALSE))))) } ) setMethod("rev", "structure.list", function (x) { if (length(x) <= 1) { return(x) } else { return(x[length(x):1]) } } ) setMethod("print", "structure.list", function (x, ...) { print(paste("List containing ", length(x), " structure3D objects (", paste(names(x), collapse=", ", sep=""), ")", sep="")) } ) setMethod("show", "structure.list", function (object) { print(object) } ) setMethod("names", "structure.list", function (x) { return(as.character(unlist(lapply(x, names)))) } ) setMethod("names<-", "structure.list", function (x, value) { if (length(x) != length(value)) { stop(paste("'names' attribute [", length(value), "] must be the same length as the structure3D list [", length(x), "]", sep="")) } struct.list <- new("structure.list", mapply(function(struct, name) { struct$name <- name return(struct) }, x, value )) names(attr(struct.list,"structures")) <- value return(struct.list) } ) setMethod("range", "structure.list", function (x, ..., na.rm=TRUE) { if (length(x) < 1) { warning("Cannot calculate range of an empty structure list") return(matrix(NA, nrow=2, ncol=3, dimnames=list(c("min", "max"), c("x", "y", "z")))) } ranges <- lapply(x, range) range <- matrix(rep(c(Inf, -Inf), 3), nrow=2, ncol=3, dimnames=list(c("min", "max"), c("x", "y", "z"))) for (i in 1:length(ranges)) { range[1, ] <- pmin(range[1, ], ranges[[i]][1, ], na.rm=na.rm) range[2, ] <- pmax(range[2, ], ranges[[i]][2, ], na.rm=na.rm) } return(range) } )