f.haptable.list <- function(object){ ## ## APPLIES haptable TO EACH ELEMENT OF object ## object IS A list OF haplin OBJECTS ## # # ## CREATE STANDARD haptable FOR EACH ELEMENT .tab <- lapply(object, haptable) # this info contains only the information common to all elements in # 'object' (i.e., either all windows if 'object' is haplinSlide, # or all strata if 'object' is haplinStrat) .info.all <- attr( .tab[[ 1 ]], "info" ) .info.all <- .info.all[ c( "filespecs", "model", "variables", "control" ) ] class( .info.all ) <- "info" # ## STACK TABLES (EFFICIENTLY) .tab <- toDataFrame(.tab) attr( .tab, "info" ) <- .info.all # class(.tab) <- c("haptable", "data.frame") return(.tab) }