axis.overlap <- function( xpos, node.text, line.dist, axis.type, cex,panel.width, return.cex = FALSE ) { # function checks if the node text will cross over the axis node.text.xrange <- sort(c( xpos + line.dist, xpos + line.dist + strwidth(node.text, units = 'inches', cex = cex) * line.dist / abs(line.dist) )); overlaps <- NULL; if (axis.type == 'PGA' | axis.type == 'SNV single' | axis.type == 'left' && any(node.text.xrange < 0)) { overlaps <- TRUE; } else if ( (axis.type == 'SNV' && any(node.text.xrange) > panel.width) || axis.type == 'both' && any(node.text.xrange > panel.width) | any(node.text.xrange < 0) ) { overlaps <- TRUE; } # find a text size that prevents the axis overlap if (return.cex & !is.null(overlaps)) { new.cex <- cex; while (!is.null(overlaps)) { new.cex <- new.cex - 0.05; overlaps <- axis.overlap(xpos, node.text, line.dist, axis.type, new.cex, panel.width); } return(new.cex); } return(overlaps); } check.overlap <- function( xpos, ypos, node.text, tree.max.adjusted, hjust,node.radius ) { # Check if the node text will cross over any of the branch lines if (hjust == 'centre') { left <- xpos - as.numeric(convertX(stringWidth(node.text), 'in')) / 2; right <- xpos + as.numeric(convertX(stringWidth(node.text), 'in')) / 2; } else if (hjust == 'left') { left <- xpos; right <- xpos + as.numeric(convertX(stringWidth(node.text), 'in')); } else if (hjust == 'right') { right <- xpos; left <- xpos - as.numeric(convertX(stringWidth(node.text), 'in')); } node.text.xrange <- c(left, right); node.segs <- adply( tree.max.adjusted[, c('tip', 'parent', 'x', 'y')], .margins = 1, .fun = function(w) { data.frame( y0 = (w$y + node.radius), y1 = (w$y - node.radius), x0 = (w$x - node.radius), x1 = (w$x + node.radius) ); } ); line.intercept <- logical(length = nrow(tree.max.adjusted)); node.intercept <- logical(length = nrow(tree.max.adjusted)); for (i in seq_along(tree.max.adjusted[, 1])) { if (is.infinite(tree.max.adjusted$slope[i])) { #only overlaps with straight lines if the line's ypos is in the range line.intercept[i] <- ( (ypos < tree.max.adjusted$y0[i]) & (ypos > tree.max.adjusted$y1[i]) & (node.text.xrange[1] < tree.max.adjusted$x0[i]) & (node.text.xrange[2] > tree.max.adjusted$x0[i]) ); } else { line.intercept.x <- (ypos - tree.max.adjusted$intercept[i]) / tree.max.adjusted$slope[i]; if ( line.intercept.x < max(c(tree.max.adjusted$x0[i], tree.max.adjusted$x1[i])) & line.intercept.x > min(c(tree.max.adjusted$x0[i], tree.max.adjusted$x1[i])) & (line.intercept.x > node.text.xrange[1]) & (line.intercept.x < node.text.xrange[2]) ) { line.intercept[i] <- TRUE; } } node.intercept[i] <- (ypos < node.segs$y0[i]) & (ypos > node.segs$y1[i]) & (node.text.xrange[1] < node.segs$x0[i]) & (node.text.xrange[2] > node.segs$x0[i]) } intercepts.lines <- tree.max.adjusted$tip[line.intercept]; intercepts.nodes <- tree.max.adjusted$tip[node.intercept]; return(list(lines = intercepts.lines, nodes = intercepts.nodes)); } position.node.text <- function( tree.max.adjusted = NULL, node.list = NULL, node.text.col = NULL, node.text.fontface = NULL, axis.type = axis.type, panel.height = NULL, panel.width = NULL, main.y = NULL, line.dist = line.dist, hjust = NULL, node.radius = node.radius, alternating = FALSE, split = FALSE, label.nodes = FALSE, adjust.axis.overlap = TRUE, cex = cex ) { text.grob.list <- vector('list', length(unlist(node.list))); orig.cex <- cex; idx <- 1; for (s in seq_along(node.list)) { split.text <- FALSE; if (length(node.list[[s]]) == 0) { next; } else { slope <- tree.max.adjusted$slope[s]; intercept <- tree.max.adjusted$intercept[s]; y.height <- tree.max.adjusted$y0[s] - tree.max.adjusted$y1[s]; label.bottom <- str.heightsum <- 0; cex <- orig.cex; #centre the height of all the text relative to the line while ( str.heightsum == 0 | (label.bottom + str.heightsum) > (main.y + panel.height) | (label.nodes == FALSE & (label.bottom + str.heightsum) > (tree.max.adjusted$y0[s] + node.radius * 0.5)) ) { if ((label.bottom + str.heightsum) > (tree.max.adjusted$y0[s] + node.radius * 0.5) & length(node.list[[s]]) > 1) { split.text <- TRUE; } str.heights <- sapply( node.list[[s]], FUN = function(x) { strheight(x, units = 'inches', cex = cex); } ); spacing <- 0.33 * mean(str.heights); str.heightsum <- sum(str.heights) + spacing * length(str.heights) - spacing; if (split & split.text) { str.heights.left <- str.heights[1:ceiling(length(node.list[[s]]) / 2)]; str.heights.right <- str.heights[(ceiling(length(node.list[[s]]) / 2) + 1):length(node.list[[s]])]; str.heightsum.left <- sum(str.heights.left) + spacing * length(str.heights.left) - spacing; str.heightsum.right <- sum(str.heights.right) + spacing * length(str.heights.right) - spacing; str.heightsum <- max(c(str.heightsum.left, str.heightsum.right)); } if (!label.nodes) { if (length(node.list[[s]]) == 1) { # Centered when there is just one text row # Otherwise position relative to the bottom of the textGrob label.bottom <- tree.max.adjusted$y1[s] + y.height / 2; vjust <- 'center'; } else { label.bottom <- y.height / 2 - str.heightsum / 2 + tree.max.adjusted$y1[s]; vjust <- 'bottom'; } if (s == 1 & ((str.heightsum - y.height) > node.radius) & !is.null(node.radius) & !is.null(scale)) { label.bottom <- tree.max.adjusted$y1[s] - node.radius; } } else { label.bottom <- tree.max.adjusted$y[s] - 0.5 * str.heightsum; } if ( (label.bottom + str.heightsum) > (main.y + panel.height) || (!label.nodes && (label.bottom + str.heightsum) > (tree.max.adjusted$y0[s] + node.radius * 0.5)) ) { cex <- cex - 0.05; } } # Iterate through the text for a given node for (g in rev(seq_along(node.list[[s]]))) { heights <- ifelse( (g - 1) == 0, yes = 0, no = sum(str.heights[c(1:(g - 1))]) ); if (label.nodes) { ypos <- tree.max.adjusted$y[s]; xpos <- tree.max.adjusted$x[s]; xline.dist <- line.dist + node.radius; vjust <- 'center'; } else { ypos <- label.bottom + (g - 1) * spacing + heights - spacing; #back computing the x position based on the intercept and the slope xpos <- ifelse( is.infinite(slope), yes = tree.max.adjusted$x0[s], no = (ypos - intercept) / slope ); xline.dist <- line.dist; } text.positions <- data.frame( labels = character(length = length(node.list[[s]])), x = numeric(length = length(node.list[[s]])), y = numeric(length = length(node.list[[s]])) ); if (split & split.text) { if (g <= ceiling(length(node.text.col[[s]]) / 2)) { # offset.left <- ceiling(length(node.text.col[[s]])/2) heights <- ifelse( (g - 1) == 0, yes = 0, no = sum(str.heights.left[c(1:(g - 1))]) ); ypos <- label.bottom + (g - 1) * spacing + heights - spacing; text.grob.list[[idx]] <- textGrob( node.list[[s]][g], x = unit(xpos - xline.dist, 'inches'), y = unit(ypos,'inches'), just = c('right', 'bottom'), gp = gpar(col = node.text.col[[s]][g], cex = cex) ); } else { offset.left <- ceiling(length(node.text.col[[s]]) / 2); heights <- ifelse(( g - offset.left - 1) == 0, yes = 0, no = sum(str.heights.right[c(1:(g - offset.left - 1))]) ); ypos <- label.bottom + (g - offset.left - 1) * spacing + heights - spacing; text.grob.list[[idx]] <- textGrob( node.list[[s]][g], x = unit(xpos + xline.dist, 'inches'), y = unit(ypos, 'inches'), just = c('left', 'bottom'), gp = gpar(col = node.text.col[[s]][g], cex = cex) ); } } else if (alternating) { # Alternate between placing the text to the left and to the right of the node if (s %% 2 > 0) { xline.dist.adj <- -(xline.dist); just <- c('right', 'bottom'); } else { just <- c('left', 'bottom'); xline.dist.adj <- xline.dist; } text.grob.list[[idx]] <- textGrob( node.list[[s]][g], x = unit(xpos + xline.dist.adj, 'inches'), y = unit(ypos, 'inches'), just = just, gp = gpar(col = node.text.col[[s]][g], cex = cex) ); if (adjust.axis.overlap) { overlaps.axis <- axis.overlap( xpos, node.list[[s]][g], xline.dist.adj, axis.type,cex, panel.width, return.cex = TRUE ); if (!is.null(overlaps.axis)) { # If text overlaps the axis, shrink the text text.grob.list <- position.node.text( tree.max.adjusted = tree.max.adjusted, node.list = node.list, node.text.col = node.text.col, node.text.fontface = node.text.fontface, axis.type = axis.type, panel.height = panel.height, panel.width = panel.width, main.y = main.y, line.dist = line.dist, cex = overlaps.axis, node.radius = node.radius, alternating = alternating, split = split, label.nodes = label.nodes ); return(text.grob.list); } } } else { if (slope > 0 || (is.infinite((slope)) && axis.type == 'SNV' )) { xline.dist <- -(abs(xline.dist)); } else { xline.dist <- abs(xline.dist); } hjust <- ifelse(xline.dist > 0, 'left', 'right'); if (label.nodes) { node <- tree.max.adjusted[which(tree.max.adjusted$tip == tree.max.adjusted$tip[s]), ]; parent <- tree.max.adjusted[which(tree.max.adjusted$tip == tree.max.adjusted$parent[s]), ]; children <- tree.max.adjusted[which(tree.max.adjusted$parent == tree.max.adjusted$tip[s]), ]; if (nrow(children) > 1) { if (nrow(children[which(children$x > node$x), ]) > nrow(children[which(children$x < node$x), ])) { xline.dist <- -(abs(xline.dist)); } else if (nrow(children[which(children$x > node$x), ]) < nrow(children[which(children$x < node$x), ])) { xline.dist <- abs(xline.dist); } if ((max(children$y) + node.radius) > label.bottom) { ypos <- ypos + node.radius; } hjust <- ifelse(xline.dist > 0, 'left', 'right'); } else { leaves <- tree.max.adjusted[!(tree.max.adjusted$tip %in% tree.max.adjusted$parent), ]; leaves <- leaves[order(leaves$x), ]; if ( (nrow(leaves) > 2 || (nrow(tree.max.adjusted) == 3 & nrow(leaves) == 2)) && node$angle != 0 & node$tip %in% leaves[c(2:(nrow(leaves) - 1)), ]$tip ) { text.height <- as.numeric(convertY( grobHeight(textGrob( node.list[[s]][g], gp = gpar(cex = cex) )), 'in' )); text.width <- as.numeric(convertX( grobWidth(textGrob( node.list[[s]][g], gp = gpar(cex = cex) )), 'in' )); ypos <- node$y - (text.height * 0.8 + node.radius) * cos(node$angle); xpos <- node$x + (text.width * 0.25) * sin(node$angle); xline.dist <- 0; } } } if ( label.nodes && tree.max.adjusted$parent[s] %in% tree.max.adjusted$tip && ((tree.max.adjusted[which(tree.max.adjusted$tip == tree.max.adjusted$parent[s]), ]$y - tree.max.adjusted$y[s]) < node.radius) ) { if (tree.max.adjusted$tip[s] %in% tree.max.adjusted$parent) { ypos <- tree.max.adjusted$y[s] + 1 * node.radius + abs(xline.dist); xline.dist <- 0; hjust <- 'centre'; cex <- orig.cex; } else { ypos <- tree.max.adjusted$y[s]; cex <- orig.cex; if (tree.max.adjusted$x[s] > parent$x) { xline.dist <- abs(xline.dist); hjust <- 'left'; } else { hjust <- 'right'; xline.dist <- -(abs(xline.dist)); } } } else { overlap <- check.overlap( xpos + xline.dist, ypos, node.list[[s]][g], tree.max.adjusted, hjust, node.radius ); if (length(unlist(overlap)) > 0) { xline.dist <- -(xline.dist); overlap <- check.overlap( xpos + xline.dist, ypos, node.list[[s]][g], tree.max.adjusted, hjust, node.radius ); # May need to modify xline.dist if length(unlist(overlap)) > 0 if (xline.dist != 0) { hjust <- ifelse(xline.dist > 0, 'left', 'right'); } } if (adjust.axis.overlap) { overlaps.axis <- axis.overlap( xpos, node.list[[s]][g], xline.dist, axis.type,cex, panel.width, return.cex = TRUE ); # Shrink the text if they overlap if (!is.null(overlaps.axis)) { text.grob.list <- position.node.text( tree.max.adjusted = tree.max.adjusted, node.list = node.list, node.text.col = node.text.col, node.text.fontface = node.text.fontface, axis.type = axis.type, panel.height = panel.height, panel.width = panel.width, main.y = main.y, line.dist = line.dist, cex = overlaps.axis, node.radius = node.radius, alternating = alternating, split = split, label.nodes = label.nodes ); return(text.grob.list); } } } text.grob.list[[idx]] <- textGrob( node.list[[s]][g], x = unit(xpos + xline.dist, 'inches'), y = unit(ypos, 'inches'), just = c(hjust, vjust), gp = gpar( col = node.text.col[[s]][g], fontface = node.text.fontface[[s]][g], cex = cex ) ); } idx <- idx + 1; } } } return(text.grob.list); } add.text2 <- function( tree, node.text, label.nodes = FALSE, cex = 1, line.dist = 0.5, v = NULL, main.y = NULL, panel.height = NULL, panel.width = NULL, xlims = NULL, ymax = ymax, axis.type = NULL, scale = NULL, node.radius = NULL, alternating = TRUE, split = TRUE, clone.out = NULL ) { # Radius in native units node.radius <- node.radius / scale; node.text <- node.text[node.text$node %in% tree$tip, ]; node.list <- alply( seq_len(nrow(tree)), .margins = 1, .fun = function(x) { return(character()) } ); node.text.col <- node.list; node.text.fontface <- node.list; a_ply( seq_len( nrow(node.text)), .margins = 1, .fun = function(x) { text.row <- node.text[x, ]; pos <- which(tree$tip == text.row$node); text.value <- text.row$name; if (length(grep('_', text.value)) > 0) { text.split <- strsplit(text.value, split = '_')[[1]]; node.text.value <- text.split[1]; amp <- text.split[2]; call <- paste0(node.text.value, '^\'A', amp, '\''); text.value <- parse(text = call); } node.list[[pos]] <<- c(node.list[[pos]], text.value); node.text.col[[pos]] <<- c( node.text.col[[pos]], if (!$col)) text.row$col else 'black' ); node.text.fontface[[pos]] <<- c( node.text.fontface[[pos]], if (!$fontface)) text.row$fontface else 'plain' ); } ); tree.max <- adply( tree, .margins = 1, .fun = function(x) { if (x$parent == -1) { basex <- 0; basey <- 0; } else { basex <- v$x[v$id == x$parent]; basey <- v$y[v$id == x$parent]; } tipx <- v$x[v$id == x$tip]; tipy <- v$y[v$id == x$tip]; return(data.frame(basex, basey, tipx, tipy)); } ); #the length of the visible line segments tree.max.adjusted <- adply( tree.max, .margins = 1, .fun = function(x) { if (x$tipx == x$basex) { #straight line basex <- x$basex; tipx <- x$tipx; basey <- x$basey + node.radius; tipy <- x$tipy - node.radius; } else if (x$tipx > x$basex) { basey <- x$basey + node.radius * cos(x$angle); tipy <- x$tipy - node.radius * cos(x$angle); basex <- x$basex + node.radius * sin(x$angle); tipx <- x$tipx - node.radius * sin(x$angle); } else if (x$tipx < x$basex) { basey <- x$basey + node.radius * cos(x$angle); tipy <- x$tipy - node.radius * cos(x$angle); basex <- x$basex + node.radius * sin(x$angle); tipx <- x$tipx - node.radius * sin(x$angle); } if (x$parent == -1) { basex <- basey <- 0; } return(data.frame(basex,basey,tipx,tipy)); } ); #push a viewport the same size as the final panel so we can do calculations based on absolute size units if (!is.null(clone.out)) { pushViewport(clone.out$vp); } else { pushViewport(viewport( height = unit(panel.height, 'inches'), name = 'ref', width = unit(panel.width,'inches'), xscale = xlims, yscale = c(ymax, -2) )); } tree.max.adjusted$x0 <- convertX(unit(tree.max.adjusted$basex, 'native'), 'inches', valueOnly = TRUE); tree.max.adjusted$x1 <- convertX(unit(tree.max.adjusted$tipx, 'native'), 'inches', valueOnly = TRUE); tree.max.adjusted$y0 <- convertY(unit(tree.max.adjusted$basey, 'native'), 'inches', valueOnly = TRUE); tree.max.adjusted$y1 <- convertY(unit(tree.max.adjusted$tipy, 'native'), 'inches', valueOnly = TRUE); tree.max.adjusted$y <- convertY(unit(tree.max$tipy, 'native'), 'inches', valueOnly = TRUE); # Actual node positions tree.max.adjusted$x <- convertX(unit(tree.max$tipx, 'native'), 'inches', valueOnly = TRUE); tree.max.adjusted$slope <- (tree.max.adjusted$y1 - tree.max.adjusted$y0) / (tree.max.adjusted$x1 - tree.max.adjusted$x0); tree.max.adjusted$intercept <- tree.max.adjusted$y1 - tree.max.adjusted$slope * tree.max.adjusted$x1; text.grob.list <- position.node.text( tree.max.adjusted = tree.max.adjusted, node.list = node.list, node.text.col = node.text.col, node.text.fontface = node.text.fontface, axis.type = axis.type, panel.height = panel.height, panel.width = panel.width, main.y = main.y, line.dist = line.dist, cex = cex, node.radius = node.radius, alternating = alternating, split = split, label.nodes = label.nodes ); text.grob.gList <-, text.grob.list); <- 'node.text'; if (!is.null(clone.out)) { popViewport(); text.tree <- gTree( name =, children = text.grob.gList, vp = make.plot.viewport(clone.out, clip = 'off') ); return(text.tree); } text.tree <- gTree( name =, children = text.grob.gList, childrenvp = viewport( height = unit(panel.height, 'inches'), name = 'ref', width = unit(panel.width, 'inches'), xscale = xlims, yscale = c(ymax, -2), clip = 'off' ) ); return(list(text.tree, tree.max.adjusted)); }